(3) Returning Home

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Bucky was sitting on his front porch swing watching for Gary's car. He called that morning and said that they were heading home. Lindsey was sitting in the front seat of her dad's escalade "Baby you feeling okay?'

"Yeah..I look a mess though daddy." she said

"Honey you do not look a mess." he said as he turned into the drive way. 

Bucky looked up and went running "James slow down" Winnie yelled.

Lindsey came around the front of the car when she heard him yell. He stopped dead in his tracks "Wow.." he whispered

"You got bigger and taller." she said with a smile as she walked over to him. 

When she was standing in front him "You got boobs." 

"James" Winnie said 

James and Gary started laughing "You two stop.." Laney said as she came out. 

Bucky hugged her and she hugged back. "You are really here." Bucky whispered 

She started laugh through tears "Yes I'm really home." she whispered 

Everyone started to wipe tears "It took me getting punched in the face but I'm here." she said 

He held her face and ran his fingers gently over her bruises "Doll baby I'm proud of you for fighting back." he whispered 

"I had a promise to keep." she said 

He smiled at her "I didn't forget if that's what you are scared of." he whispered 

She smiled at him "Help me get my stuff." she said 

"Yeah." he said 

They got her stuff out of the trunk of her dad's car and went upstairs. "Oh Laney..I love it it's perfect." she said when she walked into her old bedroom. 

Bucky helped her get everything unpacked and he said "I can't believe you still have this picture of me and you

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Bucky helped her get everything unpacked and he said "I can't believe you still have this picture of me and you." as he picked up the frame. 

"it's one of my favorites don't you judge me

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"it's one of my favorites don't you judge me." she said as she put her hands on her hips.

He walked over to her "Someone has gotten alot more sassier than I remember her being." 

She smiled at him as she put her arms around his neck 'Someone has gotten alot taller" 

"You look so beautiful all grown up Linds." he said 

"Yeah.." she whispered 

"Yeah" he said.

"You have gotten a lot cuter. I bet you have lots of girlfriends." she said

"No..no girlfriends just football basketball and baseball." he said as he held her waist. 

"That explains the muscles and this .." she whispered as she ran her hand up his shirt. 

His breath hitched "Lindsey.." he whispered 

"What?' she whispered 

"You are being very flirtatious right now.." he said 

"I'm just pointing out the fact that my very best friend has gotten alot sexier. Puberty did wonders for you darlin." she said 

"Oh yeah you are one to talk. When you left you barely had these" he said as he went grab them she stopped him. "please don't.." she whispered 

"Lindsey look at me hey it's okay I won't touch them." he said when he saw fear go over her face.

"Shh I'm sorry" he whispered as he laid her head on his shoulder as she started to cry.

"Darlin I'm sorry shh don't cry." he said as he rubbed her back. 

They laid down in her bed and he held her close to him as they both slowly fell asleep. Gary and James came in to check on them and found them sleeping. James said "Just let him stay Gary..maybe he will finally get some sleep." with tears in his eyes.

"I wasn't gonna make him leave. I know how hard it' been on you all in the last 3 years with his nightmares." Gary said as they walked down the stairs. "All I can say is I'm sorry." Gary said

"It's not your fault I have told you that. You had already filed for divorce she was just upset and hurt that a 12 year marriage went down the drain." James said 

"I know.." he said

James let Winnie know that Bucky was just going to stay cause he didn't want to wake him up. Around 1 in the morning Bucky woke up to pee and when he came back he stripped down to his boxers and she looked at him. "I got hot and I had to pee." he said 

She took off her bra and he got back bed with her after she took off her shorts. He pulled her closer to him. "Mmm god this feels good with you." he whispered 

"Ive missed this." she whispered 

"Me too." he said as they both went back to sleep. 

The next morning she moved a little then woke up and whispered "Holy hell.." 

"baby what?' he whispered as he pulled her closer to him. 

"Buck..are you sure that you aren't like on steroids or something." she whispered

"No I am not taking medicine why are you asking now." he said  

She rolled over to him and grabbed his crotch. He gasped "Lindsey.. what has happened to you. You weren't this bold when you left." 

"I was 12 years old when I left. Besides I had to learn to be outspoken and stand up for myself. I was alone." she said 

"That's my girl." he said 

"Now are you seriously this big." she whispered.

"Lindsey..it's been three years since we have seen each other we both have grown up some will you stop with the jokes." he said then they got up and got dressed. 

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