(6) Homecoming Proposal

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The day that the tickets for the dance to go on sale Bucky walked over to Lindsey's house. He let out a breathe as he carried the box with her proposal in it. He walked in through the garage to her kitchen. 

"Hey Buck' Lindsey said 

"Hey L-L Lindsey." he said 

"Bucky are you okay you never stutter?' Lindsey said

"Um  you look beautiful today.." he said 

Gary smiled at him and said "Laney I think it's time that we get the girls to daycare and we get to work

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Gary smiled at him and said "Laney I think it's time that we get the girls to daycare and we get to work." 

"I think so too." she said

She got Lindsey's twin little sisters and said "Say bye bye sissy." and they left. 

"Bucky seriously what's the matter?' she said 

"Here um this is for you." he said as he hands her the box 

"You got me shoes." she said then she opened it up. 

She gasped "Bucky

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She gasped "Bucky..oh my gosh." she said 

She turned around and hugged him and he hugged her back. "Yes I will go to Hoco with you." she said 

"Thank God." he whispered 

She took the box up to her room and put the roses in a vase with water and put them in her room then they walked together to bus stop with Brody. Once they got on the bus she said "Was that why you were stuttering and nervous." 

"A little but then you made me even more nervous." he said as he looked at her. 

"Why?' she said

"Your outfit today is very sexy especially this top. " he said 

She smiled at him "Well thank you." she said 

All day everyone had their proposals going she went with Bucky to buy their tickets. He put them in his wallet and she put him down as her escort once they needed the names. That night they were at her house downstairs in the basement watching a movie under the blankets sleeping when Gary got home. 

He went downstairs to check on them Bucky was asleep but he had his hand over his crotch trying to hide his hard on. Gary shook his head and said "James.." 

He jumped awake "Mr Taylor." he said then Lindsey woke up. 

"James has to go home baby it's school night." Gary said 

"Yeah.." she said 

She walked Bucky outside he kissed her forehead "I'll see you in the morning." he said then he went home. 

She went back inside and back to the basement and went back to sleep. Gary followed her back downstairs "Honey you have a bedroom." he said 

"I know but my bed sucks." she said and went to sleep. 

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