(9) Double Birthday Surprise

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A month before Bucky's and Lindsey's sweet sixteen he was in his room that he was still sharing with Brody on his laptop trying to find a fun birthday surprise for Lindsey and him. "Hey little brother what are you doing." Brody said when he came in from a date with Mia. 

"I'm trying to find a birthday surprise for Lindsey." he said

"Where is she anyways?' he said 

"oh she has the flu so I was told by everybody that I had to stay away. Which I mean I don't mind if I get the flu I rather be sick and with her then here alone." he said 

Brody laid beside him "Have I told you when Mia's birthday is?' 

"no." he said 

"Mia's birthday is March 12th." he said as he took Bucky's laptop.

"What are you doing?' Bucky said

"What about me you and the girls take a weekend trip the weekend of our birthday to Disneyworld? They will love it it will be fun." Brody said 

"We could do that. Lindsey would loved that she's never got to go cause she was gone the one time we went." Bucky said 

"Let's go talk to dad." Brody said 

They both went downstairs to see Bradley in the kitchen with their dad and mom. "Hey dad we have an idea that we want to run by you." Brody said 

"Okay go ahead.." he said 

"Bucky and I would like to the weekend of our birthday surprise our girls with a trip to Disneyworld." Brody said 

"Okay..I'll get you all set up with a rental car that's good on gas and get you set up with a vacation rental as well as the tickets." James said 

"really.." Brody said

"Sure I trust you boys." James said 

Bucky and Brody high fived each other. "You don't want to invite your older brother." Winnie said

"Why? He tells us all the time that little brothers aren't cool." Bucky said as he walked backwards as him and Brody and went upstairs to their room. 

Bradley looked down "It's fine mom I have plans anyways it's the same weekend I have my campus tour in Texas." he said 

"Oh that's right." Winnie said 

James looked at Winnie and raised his eyebrows as he sipped his coffee. "I sometimes wish you didn't get a vasectomy James." Winnie said 

"Hey it was your idea not mine. I was willing to keep going till we had another girl." James said 

"Yeah yeah..I regret it deeply." Winnie said as she went upstairs. 

James let out a low laugh and went upstairs grabbed her as she laughed. Brody and Bucky could hear them outside their door and shook their heads at each other. "4 kids been together since they were 20 survived military and medical school and nursing school and still so in love Buck I hope we are that lucky." Brody said 

"I know me too." he said as they continued to play the game. 

A month later they both told their girls to pack a bag for the weekend and make sure to pack a bathing suit. Bucky carried her bag over to his house "I hate surprises." she said

"You do not.. you love them you just hate that I won't break this time." he said as he put her bag in the back of the rental car. 

He opened the car door for her and they got in the back seat. "Mia do you know where we are going?' Lindsey said 

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