(8) A New Promise

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It was Christmas morning The Taylors came over to the Barnes' household for Christmas breakfast and presents. They all ate breakfast in the dining room they were all still in their Christmas pajamas. 

She got up to walk into the living room he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind

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She got up to walk into the living room he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "You look so sexy this morning." he whispered as he kissed her neck then started to suck. "James' she whispered as he squeezed her and held her close. "Mmm baby I've missed you I hate when you have to go home." 

"James Lindsey let's go." James yelled. 

She started to walk and he was walking behind her still holding her waist. He pulled her into his lap as they sat on the floor. They went around passing out gifts and opening them. When there was a knock on the door James went to answer it. 

"Patty.." he said 

"Hey little brother..um" she said as she walked in. 

"Dad..um Dad has had a massive heart attack he's at the hospital. They got him back but then he had a mini stroke. So um mom called and said that everyone needed to come say their goodbyes because he had it written in his will that he didn't want to be on life support." Patty said 

"Boys go get dressed." Winnie said as she took Becca's new born baby girl. "You too Becca." she said

Lindsey got up and said "Dad I'll be back." and she ran next door and got dressed then ran back over. "That's my girl" Gary said as she got in the car with Bucky. She made him look at her "Hey..what's wrong?" 

"I'm the worst grandson in the world. I hadn't been back to the house since that night." he said 

"James Buchanan don't you do that to yourself. He knows that you love him even when you are mad at him. Look at me I should hate my mom for not only taking me away from you but for being that monster into our house. But I still love her because she was my mom even if she did things that I hated." she said as they had foreheads together. 

He smiled at her. He reached into his pocket 'This is your Christmas present before I open it for you I want you to know that I love you I meant what I said I never want to lose you again I will fight who ever I have to fight to keep you here where you belong. I will love you always and I promise you that one day I'm gonna make a Barnes." he said as he opened up the box.

"James.." she whispered. 

He slid it on her finger she smiled at him and kissed him as she placed her finger tips on his cheek as he cupped hers

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He slid it on her finger she smiled at him and kissed him as she placed her finger tips on his cheek as he cupped hers. "Hey you two knock it off." Bradley said 

"Shut up Bradley we were having a moment." Bucky said

"Our grandpa is dying nobody cares about your moment with your girlfriend." Bradley said

"Hey boys.." James said 

Bucky took off his seatbelt and punched Bradley "I said to shut up." 

Bradley punched back and Brody pulled them apart just as James pulled the car over. 

"Boys I said that's enough and I mean it. Bradley leave your little brother alone they weren't bothering anyone. Buchanan control your temper son. You are a hot head like me which I know about but you need to control it." James said 

"Yes sir." Bucky said 

Then he started the car back up and Bucky went back to kissing Lindsey. They arrived at the hospital and went upstairs to the CCU. She held Bucky's hand as he said he's goodbyes. She leaned over kissed his forehead "Say hi to my mama and grandpa for me old man and I will see you again save us a seat will ya.." as she wiped her tears. They were all standing in the room holding hands the second pillar of the Barnes/Taylor family clan to go. The first was Lindsey's Grandpa Taylor when she was 11 years old. They all stood exactly like that when they turned off his machines and they were gonna do the same thing that day. 

They watched as they turned off the machines and watched as he took his last breathe. Iris and Irene had each other's hands then when he took his last breathe Iris fell apart as Irene hugged her. They both had out lived their husbands Lindsey looked over at them and wiped tears and let go of Bucky's hand and went running he found her outside. "Don't you dare say it." he said 

"Don't leave me alone" she said 

"I told you not to say that." he said as he wiped tears. 

"I want us to go together I don't want a world without you in it." she said as he hugged her. 

"I don't want that either. We have already lived that life and I don't ever want that life again." he whispered. 

A few days later they were all at the funeral saying one final goodbye. 

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