(18) Baby #3 ?

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It was the day of Bucky's boot camp graduation Lindsey was trying to get her ready and their almost 3 year old daughter ready and their 15 month old son ready too. She got her self dressed and curled her hair as much as she could. Then she moved on to Haven and curled her hair and then got Brady ready. 

"oh my gosh this was so much easier when I had help." she said 

" she said 

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She got both of them in the car and took a deep breathe then felt a sudden pang of sickness

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She got both of them in the car and took a deep breathe then felt a sudden pang of sickness. She opened the door and started to puke. She took another deep breathe and whispered "Not today." as she took off. 

She made her way to Fort Benning for Bucky's graduation she parked the car and got the diaper bag out and then the kids. "Mama is a hot mess today." she whispered she showed them her tickets and then found her way into the gym and sat down with both kids on her lap. She had to give Brady a pre made breast milk bottle in the middle of the ceremony and Haven a sippy cup of juice. 

After it was over Bucky looked for them he found her squatting down to the kids when he walked up he heard her say "Haven we don't push bubby do you understand you could of really hurt bubby." 

"But bub bub pulled my hair." Haven said 

"Hey guys." Bucky said with tears in his eyes. 

She picked both of them up "Hey baby." she said with a fake smile plastered across the face.

"I know that smile" he said as he took Haven then he cupped her cheek "What's wrong.." he whispered 

"I'm a mess.." she said

"No you are not. You look beautiful today baby." he said as he kissed her. 

"Buck please tell me that you can come home now..I'm really stresed out between them and school and I work my aunt's cafe for a little bit of money cause after you left dad put a freeze on my bank account. And on top of all that I'm late I haven't had a period since before you left." she said 

"Baby baby look at me. We aren't staying in Georgia I don't get to come home just yet you know how this goes how many times we were moved around before we settled in Georgia. " he said 

She looked down 

"We are being stationed in South Carolina baby. We move in a week so what I need you to do is for now put everything on hold at the cottage I come home for a few days I'll help you get packed then we can finally move out of Georgia and be happy just me and you our family baby. I'll do this for two years cause that's what my dad put down then we will go where ever you want to go gorgeous. You finish schooling where you want baby." he said 

"Okay.." she said then she said "Take him..' He took Brady and then she ran to the front of her car and started to throw up again. "Baby.." he said when she came over wiping her mouth. He helped her put the kids in the car and turned on the air. "Look at me that last morning I was home we had sex in the shower ..Remember?' he said 

"Yeah.." she said 

"Another baby.." he whispered 

"You forgot about my grace period." she whispered 

"Let's get you a test before we go to dinner." he said 

They went to dinner then she took a pregnancy test at the hotel he got them. She came out once he got the kids down and he said "So?' 

"I'm pregnant.." she said 

He kissed her forehead "We are very fertile baby good thing we did wait till we were 15." he said with a laugh. He spent the night with her in the hotel room then they next morning she took him back to base. 

A few days later she picked him up while the kids were at daycare then they picked them up. They spent the weekend packing the things he said that they needed then they made their way up to their new base home. 

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