(14) Please Dont Do This

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-1 year later-

It was the morning of their 18th birthday they were laying in bed with Haven in between them. James came downstairs and said "Buchanan get up.." 

"Dad.." he said 

"I don't care let's go." James said 

Lindsey looked at James "Please James don't do this to me. Please don't make me raise her all alone or this one." she said as she points to her growing six month baby bump." Lindsey said

"Lindsey..I have to do this regardless of the fact that you two decided to have another baby he still has to go. " James said

Lindsey started to cry just as Iris came in "Let's move a little faster Buchanan." then she saw Lindsey and Haven. 

"Seriously she's pregnant again." Iris said 

Lindsey picked up Haven and walked out of the room. Bucky was slamming things as he opened dresser drawers. Iris followed Lindsey upstairs "Lindsey I asked a question."

"And I'm not speaking to you." she said as she started to make Haven some oatmeal. 

Iris came over to her and said "What in the world are you doing being pregnant again?' 

"Oh I'm sorry I'm married to little James and we are allowed to make babies if we want. This one was planned it's a boy just so you know. I don't need anyone else in my life telling me how to live my life or smacking me around cause they don't like who I am. You want to take away my kids father cause a condom fucking broke Iris. An accident and you want to treat it like he broke your favorite lamp. He's been having his nightmares again do you want to know why. Cause Brody is about to leave for boot camp and by the time this one turns a year old he will be leaving then I'm forced to take care of them all by myself I was accepted into UGA last year as an early acceptee with academic scholarship I wasn't trying to get pregnant with her. But go ahead let her and him grow up thinking that their dad doesn't love them cause that's how he and Brody use to feel how I felt when they were gone on deployments." he said as she laid the bowl down for Haven to eat her breakfast. 

Bucky walked over to her and placed his hand on her bump "Baby look at me you need to relax and calm down'he said 

She looked down "I love you Buck.." she said 

"I love you too Linds." he said as he kissed her. 

"Come on James we have to go your appointment is at 945." James said 

Lindsey looked between James and Iris "I hate you both for doing this to my family. We were ripped apart once and it nearly killed us both now you want to do it again in a year." she said as she sat down and started to feed Haven. 

Bucky got in his dad's car and wiped tears as he stared at the window. "Did I ever tell you about how I didn't want to do this when I was in your shoes." James said 

"I don't care." Bucky said 

James looked down "James.." he said

"Dad I said I don't care okay. I don't fucking care I never thought that you would turn into grandpa and treat me the same way he always did. Nobody got mad at Bradley for geting Callie pregnant but oh my god Brody and Bucky both had a condom break and it's the end of the fucking world." Bucky said 

"James Buchanan what has gotten into you." James

"You are taking me to sign me up to live the life you had. The life I never wanted for myself or for my wife or kids. I'm the most sensitive out of all your kids dad I cry at everything I cry when you yell at me. Do you really think I can handle this having someone in my face yelling at me." Bucky said 

"James I know this isn't what you wanted but this will be good for you. It will toughen you up some." James said 

Bucky rolled his eyes "You aren't even listening to me I don't want to do this. You are forcing me to do this when I dont want to." he said 

They pulled into parking lot and James parked the truck. "Let's go son..you are complain all you want but this is happening." James said

Bucky crossed his arms and didn't move. "James Buchanan let's go." James said 

"No I am not going in there I am not doing this I will not leave Lindsey to raise our babies alone." he said 

James slammed the driver side door and walked over to the passenger side and unbuckled Bucky. "Let's go now" James said

"I said no!' he yelled 

James pulled him out of the truck and slammed the door. "Dad please don't make me do this." he said through tears. 

Two hours later Bucky was enlisted. 

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