(16) Brady Lucas

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Oh June 5th Lindsey went into labor two weeks early she and Bucky were outside playing with Haven on her swing set. "oh god..we need to go Buck." she said

"Now..he's coming now." he said 

"Yeah." she said 

They went inside and got cleaned up and grabbed their bags and packed Haven with them to the hospital Brody and Mia sat with Haven as Lindsey pushed and pushed for 20 minutes. "Okay mama we are gonna have to do a c section okay." 

They rushed her to the OR and they did a c section after Brady got stuck in her birth canal. The doctor held him up. "He's definitely a boy Mrs Barnes." the doctor said as the nurse laid him on her chest. Lindsey started to cry and said "He's perfect." 

Bucky wiped tears and said "Yes he is." 

Once they got her to recovery and Brady all cleaned up she was able to feed him. Brody and Mia came in with Haven and their son Nathan three month old daughter Nova. "Meet your nephew Brady Lucas Barnes." Bucky said 

Brody said "You all he's perfect" 

"He is." Lindsey said 

Bucky picked up Haven "Can you say hi to you little brother." he said 

"Hi baby." she said 

Bradley and Callie were in town and he came in. "Hey little brother what's this I hear that you had another one." Bradley said

Bucky walked over and hugged him "It's good to see you little James." Bradley said

"It's just Bucky." he said 

"Okay..now whose this little darling. There's no way Haven is already this big." he said

"Oh she is. She's 1 and half already." Bucky said 

They all took turns with Brady then they went home. A few days later they got to take Brady home and they adjusted to two kids. Gary and Laney came over to Winnie and James's house a few weeks later and said "It appears that Lindsey had the baby. This popped up on our medical insurance." Gary said 

James looked down and shook his head. "Well congrats to them." he said 

"Yeah.." Winnie said 

Haven loved being a big sister and wanted to hold her little brother all the time

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Haven loved being a big sister and wanted to hold her little brother all the time. Bucky and Lindsey would constantly find them in the cutest posititions during nap time. 

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