(2) Aftermath

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The police arrived at Lindsey's house and they walked in. They found John passed out drunk on the couch. The head officer said" search the house he said it was his teenage daughter that called him." 

The first set of EMTs arrived and they called for another one when they saw Melody. "We found her." a lady officer said as she had a drunken John yelling as he was being arrested.

The lady officer covered up her boobs when the EMTS came in. She barely had a pulse so they had to give her some oxygen they assessed everything on the way to the hospital. Gary arrived at the hospital an hour later where she had been admitted and on a vent. 

He started to cry when he walked into them. "My sweet baby what happened?' as he gently kissed her forehead.

The doctor came in "Dr Taylor." 

"Yes.." he said 

"Your daughter is gonna be fine we just have her on that till she's able to breathe on her own. But she has a concussion and a hair line fracture on her skull. He strangled her and almost crushed her vocal chords. She a broken brow bone a broken nose and a fracture cheekbone as well. Your daughter is fighter that's for damn sure Dr Taylor." DrBrown said

"He didn't rape her.." Gary said

"No we did a rape kit. Not that you want to know this but her hymen is still in tact so everything came back negative." Dr Brown said 

"Thank you." he said 

Dr Brown walked out then the police came in and went over everything with him that they observed at the house. "And her mom.." Gary said

"We are very sorry to inform you that your ex wife was DOA. She was found at the bottom of the stairs when we came in." the chief said

"Thank you." he said 

He pulled out his phone and called Winnie who was helping Laney along with Gary's mother Irene with Lindsey's room.

"Hello." Winnie said as she put it on speakerphone. 

"Hey Winnie..um it's bad. Um currently standing in ICU cause she's on a ventilatior to help her breathe till she's able to breathe on her own. Her face is all busted up he strangled her that he almost crushed her vocal chords." he said through tears.

"Did Mel say what happened?' Winnie said 

"Mel is dead. They found her at the bottom of the stairs dead." He said 

That night when Bucky got home from football practice he seen his parents in the kitchen. He was chewing on his mouth guard. "Hey dad mom.. what's for supper?' he said 

"We need to talk to you James honey.. so Becca Bradley and Brody you all go on upstairs and do your homework." Winnie said

He looked at his dad. "No daddy no please tell me she's not dead." he said 

"Son sit down and relax." James said as he came over to him and helped him sit down.

Winnie said "Last night Gary called your daddy in a panic then he talk to me so I could prepare you. In a few days Gary is bringing Lindsey home James but.." 

"Before you get all excited you need to be prepared son. Lindsey was attacked by her mom's boyfriend according to Gary she is currently on a vent to help her breathe cause she was barely breathing on her own when the police found her. She has a concussion a broken cheek bone and nose and brow bone. Her eye is swollen shut she has strangulation marks where he tried to crush her vocal chords. He tried to rape her but according to what the sick bastard told the police she kneed him in the balls. " James said 

Bucky balled his fists up and his nostrils started to flare and he was breathing hard. "James.." James said 

"Take me to North Carolina so I can punch the fucking sick bastard." he said through gritted teeth. 

"James he's already in police custody and charged. Gary press charges and Melody's parents are on their way up there to cause Melody was found dead." Winnie said 

"I don't care! He hurt her nobody is allowed to hurt Lindsey." he said as he ran upstairs and cried. 

"It might be best Winnie if you let him stay home for a couple of days he's not gonna sleep well. " James said

"I was thinking the same thing." She said 

A few days later Lindsey woke up to see her dad. "Daddy.." she whispered 

"Hey my baby" he said with a smile. 

"I want to go home with you. Please convince mom to let me come home." she said

"Baby.. you don't have a choice but to come home with me. Your mom died baby they found her at the bottom of the stairs. " Gary said

She looked down 

"Lindsey tell daddy what happened how did you get involved?' he said

"I was trying to sleep and they were arguing so I came downstairs to tell them to shut up. He's always yeling at mom I didn't know that he had been drinking till he turned around to look at me." she said 

"Baby.." he said 

"..I kneed him in the balls I made a promise to Bucky and I intend to keep that promise. I just hope that he's done the same for me." she said 

He smiled at her.

"Do you still live by them." she said

"I do..Laney had Winnie help her fix up your room since she figured you weren't the same person that you were 12 years old. So she and Winnie and grandma Irene have been putting together your room." he said

She smiled at him "I'm ready to come home daddy.." she said 

"I know you are baby..but you have to give your statement to the police." he said 

A few hours later she talked to the police and let her know that her dad had been by the house and got her stuff out. The next day she was discharged and was set up with a therapist in Georgia. 

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