(27) Surprise Trip

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-2 year later- 

Bucky was discharged and they moved back to Georgia and back into the cottage. They had to make it work until they were able to find a place big enough for them. They resorted to using condoms and checking them to make sure no unexpected pregnancies happened. They wanted to move out of the house before they had more. 

After 5 years of service Bucky was happy that he finally able to return to his normal life. By now Haven was 9 years old Brady was now 8years Ellie was 5and Lexie is 2. Bucky was doing online college and Lindsey opened up her own practice. It was the week of Valentine's day when Bucky had taken all the kids to his mom's house.

When she got home she saw bags on the stairs "James.." she said 

He came down the stairs "Hey baby I have trip planned for us and before you freak out on me we are going to a very romantic place for the weekend baby. Mom has the kids and good news we got the house they accepted our offer." he said as he held her waist and had their foreheads together.

She smiled at him "What are you up to baby?' she said

"Mmm wouldn't you like to know my secret surprise." he said as he kissed her. "Go hurry up get changed we have a flight to catch." he said as he tapped her ass. 

It was about to be their tenth wedding anniversary and Bucky decided that he was going to give her everything she deserved for it. She came back downstairs dressed in comfy clothes and they went to Atlanta to get on the flight. They started to descend into Paris France she looked out the window and gasped "James" she whispered with tear filled eyes. 

He smiled when she looked at him and said "Paris." 

"Happy Valentine's day baby." he said as he kissed her. 

They got checked into their hotel that had the perfect view. The next night after a romantic dinner with wine and candles they went walking around she was in heaven after spending all day sight seeing. They stopped in front the tower. 

He pulled her to him he smiled at her "Lindsey Katherine Ann since I was 12 years old I have loved the girl next door to me. I fell in love with her and vowed that she would be my forever girl we put it in writing. The first time we ever kissed in my tree house was the best night of my life besides homecoming night. I made a promise to you when we were 12 that I would give you lots of babies I wanted you to dress up like the princess that you are when we got married that I would love you forever if you were my girl. When I lost you for those three years I couldn't bare the thought of losing you and then you came back. I knew it was finally for real our chance to make this work and we have made it work for 11 years baby and this June we will be celebrating 10 years of marriage and I want make one more thing right. Lindsey will you marry me again in a white dress me in a suit our family there?' he said as he dropped to one knee. 


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"James..oh my god yes." she said as tears fell down her cheeks. 

He slid the rings on and he kissed her as he stood up. He held her cheeks "I love you gorgeous" he said 

"I love you James..this is the best surprise ever." she said 

He picked her up and spun her. "I finally gave you your romantic proposal." he said as she slid down his front side."It was beyond perfect baby." she said 

When they returned home they let everyone know that they will be planning a vow renewal for that summer on their 10 year wedding anniversary.  

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