(19) New Beginnings

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The following weekend they had everything loaded up in a u-haul hooked his truck to the back of it and she followed him with her car that she traded in her BMW in for a BMW SUV so she had more room for carseats. They pulled into the base and he cleared it with the security guy and they found their housing row and they got moved into their housing for privates. 

"Buck what am I suppose to do about this baby?" she said in a low tone as she pointed to her stomach. 

"Baby at the time that they asked me I didn't know you were pregnant with a 3rd baby. So what we will do is cause we had the bassinet in our room for the first few months anyways. Depending on if its a boy or a girl we can just have them share a room till we are moved again. If it's a girl she can share with Haven and if it's a boy he can share with Brady. We will figure this out baby I promise. Now I'm gonna have my buddy Josh follow me back to Georgia to take the U-haul back and ride back with him while you unpack. They are tired and cranky so let them nap while do that. I love you and I'll be back." he said as he kissed her. 

He met Josh outside and they loaded up and headed back to Georgia to return the U-haul. Lindsey started to unpack the house while the kids took a nap on the couch. By the time Bucky got back she had the living room fixed the way she wanted it and had cartoons going along with them setting at their little table eating mac and cheese. 

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He came in and said "Looks good baby

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He came in and said "Looks good baby.." as he kissed her. 

"Yeah..help me with their beds and our bed." She said 

They went down the hall and he put their beds back together and helped get their rooms organized and made sure each room had enough space in case they needed a share. 


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