(20) New Addition

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-7 months later-

On March 10th on their 21st birthday Lindsey went into labor as she was putting the finishing touches on the girls' room. They found out that they were having another girl and were naming her "Ellie Jo". Haven was excited to be a big sister again and even more excited that she was getting a little sister to share her room with. 

"Bucky!!" Lindsey yelled from the girls' room

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"Bucky!!" Lindsey yelled from the girls' room.

He came in "Yeah baby what's wrong?' he said 

"I need to go to the hospital..please." she said through a contraction.

"Okay baby..just relax a minute okay." he said as he helped her out. 

He called Josh and his wife to come over and sit with the kids till Brody and Mia got there. They were wanting to celebrate their birthdays together and he made sure he was able to leave base to see his little brother. Bucky rushed her to the hospital that was on base the nurse checked her "We are at about a 7 and half Mrs Barnes and Pvt Barnes.

"Thank you"Bucky said 

Lindsey started to do breathing exercises and moaned in pain. "Baby why didn't you ask for an epidural." 

"You heard her Buck..I'm already getting close what would be the point." she said through pain. 

Two hours later Lindsey gave birth to their newest daughter "Ellie Jo Barnes" at 345PM on March 10th. She had tiny blonde wisps and big dark blue eyes like Lindsey's. After Lindsey got done feeding her Bucky took her and said "Look at you little darlin daddy is gonna need to learn to be intimidating now with you mama looking thing you." 

Lindsey rolled her eyes "Shes the best birthday present ever

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Lindsey rolled her eyes "Shes the best birthday present ever." she said

"Yes she is baby." he said 

A couple of hours later Brody and Mia came in with their kids and Haven and Brady. "We have a another person to add to our birthday." Brody said as he took his newest niece. 

"Oh daddy is gonna need a gun for this one for sure" Brody said 

"I know.." Bucky said 

A few days later they got to take her home and skyped Bradley who was stationed at Texas. "Oh my lord Buck you have two beautiful daughters it might be best if you stick with the military and keep them locked away." Bradley said 

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