(23) I Have To Do This

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While Brody and Bucky were waiting for their discharge papers to go through their sister in law Callie who was in Texas got the news that no wife wants to hear. "Ma'am your husband and his group are missing we are putting together a team as we speak to find him and his group." the Colonel said

Callie shut the door and she found her cellphone. Brody and Bucky were enjoying their beers while  Bucky's welcome home party. Brody said "Callie's calling.." 

He put it on speaker phone "Hey Callie did you call to make sure your other brother in law make it home safely." he said

She sniffled "Brody..Bucky...." she said

Both of them set their beers down "Callie" Bucky said 

"Bradley is missing his batallion are missing." she said through tears. 

"What do you mean he's missing" Bucky said as he walked over to Brody. 

"They can't find him they said they are putting together a team to find him." she said 

Bucky ran back into his room and put his shoes on. 

"James" Lindsey said as she came into the bedroom 

"I have to cancel my discharge papers baby I have to go find my brother." he said

"No please don't do this Buck." she said 

"I have to do this. That's my brother and we might not always have gotten along growing up but that my fucking brother Lindsey and I will go do this if I want to." he said and he walkd out the door.

Brody was on the phone outside cancelling his papers and they both came back in and Bucky started to pack his bag. Lindsey was on the back porch he came out to kiss the kids "Where's Lindsey." 

"On the back porch." Winnie said 

He walked outside "Lindsey they are gonna let me Brody go help." he said 

She looked down 

"Lindsey he's my brother I have to find him." he said as he walked closer to her. 

"And I'm your wife and that's your kids in there James I need you here not out there where you could possibly leave me here all alone with three kids." she said in a raised tone 

"Lindsey I love you baby I do but that is my brother he may be my half brother but he still my brother and he needs me and Brody. " he said 

"Fine James do what you want to do. But you walk out that door and I won't be here when you get back but I refuse to sit here and wonder if you are coming home or not. I did that for 10 years when it came to my dad. I did that for three years wondering if I was ever gonna get back to you I have spent the last year of my life wondering. But go ahead if he's more important than your god damn wife and kids then you fucking GO!" she yelled and walked inside and went into the bed. 

Bucky stood there in shock and looked down. Brody came out and said "James.. she's just upset she doesn't mean it okay.. she just needs time come on the jet is ready." 

He went inside and went down the hall "Lindsey open the door.." he said 

She unlocked the door he walked in he grabbed her cheeks "You and I are meant to be together you can't leave me baby I always come back to you. Be here when I get home please."

"No I won't do this James you promised two years and we could go do what we wanted." she said 

"We just have to wait a little longer baby thats' all okay I promise you baby I'm sorry for yelling and I'm sorry for getting mad but I need you baby I need to know if I walk out of here that you will still be my wife when I get back." he said 

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