(11) More Family Drama

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It was now the day of the Father's day brunch and the first that the boys would be around their grandmother and Lindsey around hers. They didn't know that they were expecting two new great grand babies. 

They arrived at Iris's house Bucky opened the door for Lindsey as he helped her out of his truck. "Do I look okay Buck..it's not like a dead give way that I'm 12 weeks pregnant." she said 

"No baby you look beautiful and you can't even tell." he said

Brody and Mia came over to them "I really don't want to go in there Buck." Brody said

"I know I don't want to either but if we don't she will know that we are hiding from her. Dad has already informed me that I'm not allowed to leave." Bucky said 

"I know he told me the same thing. Bradley is lucky he's leaving in a few weeks for boot camp." Brody said as he took Mia's hand and Bucky took Lindsey's and they walked up the porch together. 

They walked in and seen their dads and wished them happy father's day even though they already had. Iris and Irene heard them and came into the living room "Well look Irene it's our grand kids we haven't seen in a month." Iris said 

Bucky and Brody both walked over and hugged her and said "Hi grandma." and kissed her cheeks. 

"Boys.." James said 

"Dad.." Bucky said

"Do it." James said 

Bucky looked down "I'm sorry grandma for how I acted at the mother's day brunch." 

"Yeah I am sorry too." Brody said 

Gary looked at Lindsey and she sighed and walked over to Irene. "I am sorry grandma for how I acted at mother's day brunch." she said 

Irene went to hug her and said "I'm sorry for smacking you. But you have a smart mouth." 

"Yeah I know." she said as she pulled away. 

Lindsey left with Mia to go to the kitchen and started to make their plates and they sat down. Everyone else joined them then after brunch was over and it was just the immediate family again. James told the boys it was time to tell Iris the truth. 

Bucky and Brody brought the girls in with them to the kitchen. Brody said "Grandma..um me and Bucky have something to tell you." 

"What's that boys?" she said as she dried plates as Irene washed.

"Both Lindsey and Mia are pregnant." Bucky said 

Iris and Irene looked at them. James and Gary were standing behind them. Iris shook her head "You boys I swear I was hoping that you two would be the ones that I didn't have this problem with." Iris said

"Grandma it was an accident." Brody said 

"I don't care you two boys have been the ones that I've been the most proud of and you go and do this." she said 

James said "Mom that's enough it was an accident they are both due in December and we are going support them and be a supportive family." 

Iris said "Your daddy is probably rolling in his grave right now both of your daddies as she looked at Gary.

Irene looked Lindsey "that's why you didn't want me to hug you." she said as she pulled her over to her. "Grandma let me go." she said and lifted her shirt. 

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