(13) Haven Rose Barnes

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On December 31st Lindsey went into labor as they were celebrating at home with Brody and Mia and their baby boy that was only a week old his name was Nathan James. They went to the hospital it was 945 when they went in. They found the channel of the new years eve special that they were watching at home. Bucky sent a text to his parents to let them know that Lindsey had gone into labor. 

Thirty minutes after they arrived she got her epidural done and they gave her some ice chips to keep her from throwing up after she got sick after they gave her the epidural. She went to sleep on Bucky's shoulder as she held his hand as he laid beside her on the bed. Their families came in and checked on them to see where she was at dilation wise. 

Bucky said "She's at an 8 they just checked her." as he saw the time on his phone and saw that it was 1045. 

"Okay we are going out to the waiting room." Winnie said

"Yeah." he said 

An hour later it was time to push Bucky held her leg and held her hand as she pushed and pushed for 15 minutes at midnight she gave birth to their daughter "Haven Rose Barnes." She came out screaming and crying as they laid her on Lindsey's chest they showed Bucky were to cut her cord and they got Haven cleaned up and then laid her back down on Lindsey. 

"Hey baby girl..you are a new years day baby." Lindsey said as she was shaking and cupped her head.

Bucky cupped her head and said "She's perfect baby." as Lindsey got her to latch. She wrapped her tiny hand around Bucky's finger. "I'm not leaving my girls" Bucky whispered as she made him lay his hand on her side. 

He felt tears welling and smiled at his daughter. "She's a perfect combo of us baby." he said as he took her to hold her after she was done eating. "That she is" Lindsey said.

A few hours later their families came in to see the new addition. "Welcome to the family Haven Rose." Lindsey said as Bucky was holding her. 

"Born at midnight." Bucky said without looking up from her. 

James felt tears welling at the moment but he knew that he couldn't go back on his punishment for both him or Brody. 

They all took turns holding her and they couldn't get over how much hair she had and how much she was a perfect combination of the two of them. 

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