(26) Promotions.

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A few days after they had been home with Alexis they were getting all the kids ready. There was a big promotion ceremony Lindsey had done the girls and then went into the bathroom to get herself ready. She curled her blonde hair and did her make up then put on her dress and made sure it was easy to get a boob out if she needed. 

She let out a breathe then walked out of the bathroom

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She let out a breathe then walked out of the bathroom. She looked at him in dress blues "My god." she whispered

"What?' he said when he turned around after finishing his tie. 

She kept trying to find words but she was speechless. "Lindsey baby you are scaring me what's wrong?' he said as he put his hat on the bed and walked over to her. He grabbed her face "Are you having a heart attack or something." 

"No not heart attack I"m fine.." she said then she grabbed his face and kissed him. 

He moaned and pulled her closer and walked back against the wall of their bedroom and interlaced their hands above her head even though he had gloves on. "Hot baby my husband so fucking hot." she whispered as he sucked on her neck. He started to suck harder and whispered "My gorgeous wife." he said 

"Now what had my girl all tongue tied. She's never tongue tied" he said

"You.." she said

"Me..why me?" he said

"You dressed like this it's sexy. I never understood what my mom always said about my dad till now." she said as she put her arms around his neck.He stood with his legs straddling her as she leaned against the wall. 

He kissed her "Don't get to use to it baby. I'm keeping my promise." he said 

"But what if you get deployed again or.." she said 

"I would like to be able to finish my degree baby." he said 

"Okay.." she said 

"I thought you didn't want this." he said 

"Well I don't know it's kinda nice having everything right here. You remember that part being fun." she said 

"Well yeah..but I also loved being in Georgia and going to normal school and playing sports." he said 

"Well let's just see where we are in a year." she said

"Yeah who knows you might not find me sexy anymore." he said 

"Ha!" she said 

They walked into the living room "Everybody ready?' Bucky said 

"Yes" Haven said 

Lindsey put Alexis in the car seat and Bucky picked her up and Ellie Jo. Haven and Brady took Lindsey's hands and they walked out to the car and loaded up everyone. Bucky opened the door for her and she got in. 

They arrived at the courtyard where the ceremony was being held. They parked the car and he helped getting all the kids out as the family came over. "My youngest grandson." Bucky heard then he said "Hey grandma" as he turned around. 

She came over "I'm so proud of you." as she hugged him.

"Yeah thanks grandma." he said 

Irene said "Lindsey.." 

"Hi." she said as she put Brady down and they all went in and sat down. Half way through the ceremony Alexis started to get fussy. "Shh Lexie." she whispered as she started to tap her back. Bucky got her blanket out of the the diaper bag and covered Lindsey for a minute then once she got Alexis to latch he laid it over her to hide her. 

"Our next promotion is for this person who showed us that when a brother is in need it doesn't matter that you were on your way out the door. When you feel the need to do something you do it. I have to say that I met this young man when he was at boot camp when he first came in he struggled. He struggled being away from his family he struggled with alot of the stuff but one conversation with his older brother and that soldier turned into a better soldier. He told me that he was a military brat and he didn't want his kids to grow up the way he did. Last year he had put in his 2 years and he had his paper work filled out waiting to be processed for him to be discharged but one phone call was all it took for this soldier to put his combat boots back on and take care of business because his brother was in trouble. The CO over there said to me that this soldier was probably one of the best damn snipers he's ever seen and probably one of the most aware soldiers he's seen come through I'm talking about PVT 2nd Class James Buchanan Barnes." 

Bucky looked up at the guy and he walked up to the stage. "You are no longer a PVT 2nd class you are now Sgt James Buchanan Barnes." the Colonel said 

He fixed his sigil on his jacket. Everyone clapped and James and Gary whistled. After the ceremony was over Winnie got a good family picture of them with their kids and one of the two of them kissing. The next morning Bucky had a meeting with the Colonel and he came home.

"So baby..um we are moving to Arlington Virginia." he said 

"Are we getting a bigger house.' she said as she fed Alexis. 

"Yeah we are gonna be on officer's row. " he said as he stared at her boobs.

"Baby my eyes are up here." she said

"I know it's just your boobs are huge baby." he said 

"I know and they hurt. I was still breast feeding Ellie when I got pregnant with her so my boobs just got fuller." she said as she unlatched Alexis and started to burp her after putting her boob back in her bra.

"So we move in a week." he said 

'Okay.." she said as he sat beside her. 

All week he helped her get everything packed up and put into a moving van and they made their way to Arlington. 

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