(12) This Is Why..

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A few days later their parents drove up to South Carolina they went by the doctor's office. Winnie and Laney and Lucy went in. "Hi ladies can we help you?' the nurse said 

Winnie said "Yes you can sweetie..my sons was in here with their girlfriends last week her name was Lindsey Taylor and Mia Jones They forgot to pay their co pays I'm here to pay that." 

"Oh of course." The nurse said she came over back to the front of the desk and had their charts. 

"Um we don't have anyone with those last names." she said 

"Mia Barnes and Lindsey Barnes." Winnie said

She went back to the charts and pulled them. "Here we go.." the nurse said 

Winnie paid their co pays and the nurse said "Just to make sure everything is correct is this their correct mailing address cause we had some problems with their insurance." 

She let Winnie see their new address "Yes it is. We just recently moved up here so we haven't switched everything over yet." she said as she texted the address to James. 

"Okay well thank you for coming in to pay that." the nurse said

"Welcome" she said and they left and got back in the car. 

"That worked.." James said

"I paid the copays.I think they got married." Winnie said 

They found the apartment building they were laying on the couches watching sportscenter. There was a knock on the door Bucky looked at Brody "Girls go in the bedroom." Bucky whispered and Brody walked to the door as Bucky grabbed his ball bat that sat behind the couch. 

Brody said "Oh shit.." when he saw their parents in the peephole. 

"Who is it?' Bucky said

"It's our parents." Brody said

"How the fuck did they find us." Bucky said as Brody unlocked the door. 

They walked in and the girls came out Bucky told them to come out. "What the hell are you four thinking." James said 

Bucky came over and stood behind Lindsey "What did you two do while you were here." Gary said 

"Why when we went by the doctors office and they said you were no longer a Taylor but a Barnes." Laney said 

"Because we got married" Bucky said 

James looked at Brody "You two as well?' he said

"Yes.. they allow it here when the bride is pregnant." Brody said 

Winnie shook her head "Then you wonder why your grandmothers are so pissed off at you two this is why. We expect this out of Bradley not you two and after this little stunt boys I agree with your grandmother." Winnie said 

Both boys looked down "Running away to another state draining away your savings account getting married." James said 

"Get your stuff packed we are going home." Gary said 

"Dad how could you let grandma threaten to terminate my trust fund." Lindsey said 

"We will discuss that at home.Cause as far as I am concerned young lady you deserve that punishment" Gary said 

She looked down then she and Bucky went to pack their stuff along with Brody and Mia. They followed their parents back home after they cancelled their apartment lease. Once they arrived home they made them go with them to their grandmothers houses. 

They sat down on the couch when they walked into Iris' house. Iris said "I can't believe you boys would do this. You would deprive the family of A) A wedding and B) that you two would run away cause I was punishing you two. The punishment stays if you two honestly thought that by getting married that it would make me change my mind you were wrong. You both will be joining the military to pay for college and medical school." 

"Grandma please " Bucky said 

"No Buchanan you are going." Iris said 

Lindsey started to cry "Why Iris why are you doing this." 

"Because you little girl are pregnant at 16 with my grandson's baby. And guess what I love you I have loved you like my own grand daughter but you two shouldn't be having a baby right now and certainly not married right now. We did the same thing to his daddy as punishment and now I will do the same with him and Brody." Iris said 

Bucky looked at his dad "Don't look at me like that James I told when we found you I think that this is for the best. It will do you both some good." James said 

"I want to go home." Lindsey said 

"Lindsey Katherine Ann you do know what your punishment is." Irene said

"Yeah well the joke's on you grandma cause last year I changed my mind about nursing school. But I promise you that I will finish college and I will fucking prove you wrong." she said as she got up and walked out to Bucky's truck. 

"I hate you all. You have any idea what this will do to me I couldn't sleep for three fucking years cause she was gone and now you want to send me away from her and my baby." Bucky said and he left. They went home and laid in his bed and cried themselves to sleep. 

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