(28) Vow Renewal

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It was the day of the vow renewal Lindsey was in her old bedroom at her grandma's house as she helped her get ready along with her grandma Edith. Irene and Edith got the buttons buttoned up. They put her veil on and Lindsey doubled checked her make up. 

Gary came in "Oh baby girl what a beautiful bride you make." he said 

She turned around and said "Thank you daddy" she said 

They walked downstairs and drove over to the Barnes' farmland and everyone was taking their seats they wanted to do the renewal their way and include the kids in it. Once everyone was seated and Bucky stood up by his brothers and Callie and Mia were already on the bride's side. 

Brady walked his little sisters down the aisle holding their hands Bucky smiled so big. "God you make cute kids" Bradley said

"I know we are gonna make more soon." he said in a low tone. 

Haven started to come down the aisle. 

She had a mic in her hand and she stood up in front of the family and friends that were there. 

"Welcome family and friends I'm Haven Rose Barnes. And I'm gonna tell you a little story." she said

Bucky smiled so big and shook his head.

"First there was my great grandma and great grandpa Iris and James Sr Barnes. They had my grandpa James Jr Barnes and two other kids Matthew and Patty. Then there is my great grandma Mary Ann and my great grandpa Charles Thomas. They had my grandma Winfried and two other kids Maxine and Allen. she said as Iris came down with Patty and holding two candles with James. Winnie came down with her parents and siblings behind James.

"Then there was also my great grandma Irene and my great grandpa Charles. She had my grandpa Gary and two kids Katherine Ann and William. There was also my other great grandma Edith and my great grandpa Edward Cooper. They had my grandma Melody and one other kid Abigail." she said 

Gary walked down with his mom and his brother William with two candles. And behind them Edith came down with one candle while Abigail came down with one as well for her sister. Gary helped his mom sit down then went back to the back. 

Once Haven saw all the grandparents and great grandparents has been brought up. She said "Now that we have the grandparents and great grandparents. Let's talk about how my parents came to be. A long time ago my grandpa James met a beautiful queen her name was Winnie they met on a blind date while my grandma was a sophomore in college. My grandpa and grandma fell in love but that love was tough for grandpa was in the military but he loved my grandma so much that he gave her a princess my aunt Rebecca then soon after that they had my uncle Brody and my grandma adopted my grandpa's son he already had my uncle Bradley. A year to the day after they had my uncle Brody they had my daddy James Buchanan Barnes." 

James and Winnie came down with Rebecca and the boys gave their mom's a kiss. Some where in Athens Georgia there was a blonde haired queen named Melody who was running late for class and bumped into a soldier that was waiting for his best friend to see his girl before they left for deployment. That Soldier happened to be my grandpa Gary Taylor he helped her up and fell in love instantly with the blonde queen and they exchanged contact information. They only had one baby and that baby was my mama Lindsey Katherine Ann Barnes she was born on March 10th in Brussels just a few months after they got married on the same day that my daddy was born. But mama told me that sometimes love doesn't always work the way you hope it does and my daddy met my grandma Laney and they had twin girls. My grandma Melody went to be with Jesus after an bad accident. 

Gary escorted Laney down with the twins holding a candle. Then he went back to the back again. 

"When my daddy and mama were 8 years old they met on the playground at Fort Riley in Kansas. Then when they were 10 years old my grandparents moved everyone back to Georgia and they moved into a house side by side each other. Mommy and daddy had a tree house that they shared and they shared their first kiss in that tree house and fell in love with each other in that tree house. But then mommy went away and daddy was very sad and so was mommy for three years they weren't allowed to see each other she couldn't even send him letters. But a blessing in disguise happened even though mama had to get hurt to make it back to my daddy she made it back to him. They had promises to keep and they fell back in love with each other and had me then Brady Ellie Jo and Alexis. They got married on this day 10 years ago and today they are more than ready to fulfill one last promise that daddy made my mama to marry her in a white dress. Daddy here is your princess." she said as she walked away. 

Bucky looked down the aisle and saw Gary with LIndsey. He broke into tears when he saw her Bradley and Brody hugged him as they cried too cause they knew how long he's waited for that moment. 

She wiped her own tears as she came down she finally made it to the end

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She wiped her own tears as she came down she finally made it to the end. "You look beautiful." he said 

She smiled "Thank you." 

The ceremony began they kept it all traditional and after it was over they went to the barn that was all decorated with candles in mason jars and fairy lights. They had their first dance to the song "Like I'm Gonna Lose You."

He spun her out and pulled her to him "God baby you look so gorgeous" he said

"Good I was hoping for that look. I'm surprised though." she said 

"What about?'he said

"I'm pregnant.." she said 

He rested his forehead against hers and shook his head. "You and I baby my god this one I hope is a boy." he said 

She smiled at him and he spun her they started to dance how Winnie taught them the waltz. "That's my boy." James said then Bucky dipped her then kissed her. 

They took off to the Bahamas for their honeymoon for a week. 

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