(10) Mother's Day Brunch

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It was the morning of Mother's day Lindsey put on the peach dress that she had bought for the brunch but she couldn't get it to zip. "What the hell I just bought this dress like two weeks ago." she said.

Bucky came in with his peach tie and button down shirt and khaki pants. "Baby..what is taking so..whoa it looks like your closet blew up in here." he said 

She sat down on the bed and started to cry. "Linds.." he said he shut the door.

He walked over to her and knelt down in front of her. "Baby look at me what's wrong? why aren't you ready." he said 

"I can't find a dress that fits.I bought this dress two weeks ago for this and it doesn't fit he won't zip over my boobs.' she said 

"What? Turn around." he said as he made her stand up. 

She tried to suck it in and he tried to get the zipper up. Bucky went over to her closet and pulled out a peach skirt 'Baby what shirt would you wear with this." he said 

She found the shirt she bought with the skirt. She started to change in front of him and he zipped up the skirt for her. "Do you feel okay." he said 

"Yeah..I mean the skirt is a little tight but I can breathe atleast." she said

She put on her heels that she wore to homecoming court

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She put on her heels that she wore to homecoming court. "You ready." he said 

"Yeah." she said then they left with his brother Brody and Mia to head to brunch. They finally arrived at the brunch at Iris's house. Everyone was eating and mingling. Iris walked over to Irene "Watch your grand daughter?' 

Bucky and her were sitting in a chair sharing two plates. "Why do they have two plates." Irene said

"I don't know but she's had him refill them twice now and granted he doesn't mind cause he eats alot." he said 

They finished up the plates "Do you want more baby or are you good now?' Bucky said 

"I am." she said 

He tapped her butt to let her get up and he threw away the plates and helped her up and sat back down she sat back down on his lap. He kissed her he moaned as he squeezed her thigh as slid his hand up. "Wanna go to the barn?" he whispered

" Did you bring a condom." she whispered 

"I always keep some on me baby that's how much you drive me crazy." he said in her ear.

They left the house and walked up to the barn and went up to the loft and he put his condom on. They have sex "oh god James.." she whispered he reached up as she rode him and started to play with her breasts. 

She moved his hands as he sat up "What the matter baby." he said as he started to suck on her neck as he filled the condom. 

"My boobs hurt that's why I made you stop." she whispered 

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