(5) Homecoming Court

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It was a month into freshmen year Lindsey was sitting with Bucky in Science class since they were partners in the class. They were working on a in class assignment when the intercom beeped "Good afternoon students. The votes are in for homecoming court let's start with seniors. Stacy Tomlin Katelynn Burke Callie Burke Lyla Barnes." 

"Oh look your cousin." she said

"Shut up she makes it every year." Bucky said 

"Don't be rude." she said

"Now on to Juniors. Kaci Baylor Briar Taylor Rachel Brooker Brittany Matthews." The guidance counselor said

"oh look your cousin made it too." he said

She rolled her eyes "Briar sleeps with enough guys she would." she said 

"Linds that was rude." he said 

"Sophomores are Lucy Cameron Harper Sawyer Mia Jones Mila Jones." the counselor said

"Brody is dating a twin?' Lindsey said

"Yeah..he's dating Mia and Mila is dating his best friend Colton. Bradley's girlfriend is Callie Burke. She and Katelynn aren't identical twins though." he said 

"Wow.." she said 

"Now on to freshmen Kinsley Franklin Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Hope Lange and lastly Lindsey Taylor. So get your votes in guys and don't forget tickets go on sale next week so boys get those proposals ready." the counselor.

"Lindsey?' Bucky said 

"How in the hell did I get on court." she said

"I don't know but you did baby that's great that means I get to escort you along with my brothers and don't have to escort one of my cousins." he said 

"Shut up." she said

"Make me" he said in her ear. 

"I really like this less shy version of you Buck but sometimes I wish you would be friend Bucky and not flirtatious Bucky." she said 

"Well I'm sorry maybe you shouldn't look so cute today." he said as the bell rang. 

They went to her locker first he wrapped his arms around her "My beautiful beautiful best friend made homecoming court and I get to be her escort." he whispered as he swayed them. She giggled "God I've missed you." she whispered 

"Mmm ditto darlin." he said as she shut her locker and they walked to his. They walked to their next class which was English. The teacher came over to her "Ms Taylor this is for you." 

"Thank you" she said as she opened it up.

"What is it." he said

"A list of things of what my homecoming court dress can be and can't be. And a schedule of court things. I might as well tell them I can't do it. Where am I gonna find a dress Buck that covers these things." she said 

"We will figure it out even if we have to have someone take us to Atlanta." he said as he tucked some blonde hair behind her ear. 

"I do need to go shopping for this though cause I know I don't have many modest dresses." she said 

He smiled "Linds I've seen your closet you might as well just say that you own dresses that show off your hot body." he whispered in her ear.

"James.. we are at school stop.." she said 

"Make me baby make me stop flirting with you." he said in her ear as he went to his seat. 

After school Lindsey was doing her dance practice Bucky went over to Brody "Can I talk to you." he said in his ear 

"Yeah sure." they went up to the second level of the gym. "Um Brody..me and Lindsey made a promise to each other when we were 11 after we got our talk that we would be each other's first. I um I already plan on taking her to the dance I'm trying to figure out how to ask her. But um I love Lindsey I'm in love with Lindsey.." he said 

"You want to have sex with Lindsey on homecoming night?' Brody said

Bucky looked at his brother "I'm terrified Brody..I um I don't know how any of this works all I know is I love her and when I tried to talk to Bradley he just laughed at me and told me that I needed to lose it to someone else so I don't make it horrible for her." Bucky said

Brody hugged his little brother "I'm not gonna laugh at you cause I've been sharing a room with you I know how much it scared you when you were told about her attack. I know how much that girl means to you she always has meant a lot to you. But don't be scared she's a virgin too she's not gonna know what to expect out of it too. But you need to pick a spot that you want to do it at cause you aren't doing it in our room cause I'm having Mia come over." Brody said 

"Thanks Brody." Bucky said 

They left with Mia and Lindsey after their practice was over. A few days later was the day that they needed all the court girls to come out to the school courtyard for a picture for the paper. 

"We need all the girls that are on homecoming court to come down to the lobby." the counselor.

"I've got your stuff you go. You look beautiful." Bucky said 

They put the juniors and seniors in the back and had all the freshmen and sophomore girls sitting

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They put the juniors and seniors in the back and had all the freshmen and sophomore girls sitting. "Ok ladies you look wonderful on the count of 3." the photographer said then he snapped the picture and took 3 more of the groups. 

Then did a profile shot of each girl for the program then they were able to go back to class. That weekend Winnie and Laney took the girls to Atlanta with Brody and Bucky in tow. 

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