(24) Baby #4 On The Way

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Two months went by everyone was still staying with Lindsey keeping her there so she wouldn't feel alone. She finished out her college courses but she refused to talk to Bucky when he would call to check in. She took a pregnancy test that she had on hand from when she found out about Ellie. That test results came back positive and she threw the test then came out and grabbed her keys. 

"Lindsey.." Winnie said 

She drove herself to the medical center and got an ultrasound done. "You are 8 and half weeks along Mrs Barnes. You are due in January and the heart beat is good." the doctor said

"Thanks." she said 

She took the ultrasounds home and laid them down on the counter with her keys. "When My husband calls let him know he has another baby on the way." she said and walked back to the bedroom and locked the door. 

Winnie flipped it over and saw "Due in January 8 and half weeks." 

That night Bucky and the boys continued to search the abandoned buildings and Bucky was the sniper and he was damn good at it that he impressed his brother Brody. One of the bad guys came up behind Brody and was about to take him Bucky closed one eye and shot the guy right in between the eyes as he was standing in front of them.

"Damn little brother." Brody whispered 

They continued on about the excursion then they went back to the camp they had set up he laid there he saw the date on his watch. He smiled "What?' Brody said

"She should be finding out that she's pregnant again about this time this week." he said 

"She's not on birth control." Brody whispered 

"No she got screwed in the birth control department she's allergic some ingredient in it and the patches make her break out. She tried the shot but it made her feel sick alot." he said 

"Damn allergic to latex and birth control" Brody said 

"Yeah." he said 

Once it was daylight again they went back out looking for Bradley. That was how their days went as they continued to look for the batallion and Bradley. 

When she was 5 months along she found she was pregnant with a girl and she chose the " Alexis James Barnes." Bucky had no idea if she was pregnant or not cause they stopped coming back to base to check in to cover more ground and to save gas. 

They finally found where they were keeping everyone in Bradley's batallion. By now Lindsey was in her final weeks of the pregnancy. Bucky got into his sniper position and someone came up behind him when they spotted him. He reached down and got his pistol and shot it without even looking at the guy behind him then he sent Brody and the team in when he radioed them in. 

They started to get them out. "Barnes I don't see Bradley" Brody said 

Bucky used his binicoulars and said "second floor they have him tied up to a chair." he said then he shot another guy behind him. Bucky got into position again "Two of them Brody." He said into his radio.

"Got it." Brody said 

Brody got inside "Let him go." he said 

Bradley looked up "Brody.." he said 

One guy saw the last name on Brody's uniform and saw that it matches Bradley's. They started to speak in their language then they put a gun to Brody's head and Bradley's head. Bucky swallowed hard and let out a breathe and closed his eyes and shot the guy behind Bradley. Bradley looked confused and Brody whispered "Anytime now Barnes" 

"I"m trying to get a good shot.Then he felt a gun against his head. Then he turned over and shot his automatic into 4 guys that were behind him. Then he got back into postition and shot the guy behind Brody. 

"Who is your fucking sniper." Bradley said

"You won't believe who it is." Brody said 

Bucky covered them till the came out of the building safely then he jumped down beside him and hugged his big brother. "It was you that was doing that." Bradley said 

"Yes it was I saved both of your asses." he said they made their way back to Humuvee. During all this time Lindsey gave birth to their little girl Alexis James at 4 in the morning on January 8th two days after Haven 6th birthday. 


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