(21) Roses

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A month later Haven and Brady were taking a nap Lindsey was feeding Ellie as she watched tv. She had Bucky shut his truck door "Daddy is home baby girl." she whispered as she swayed from side to side. 

Bucky was walking up the side walk shaking with a bouquet of roses in his hand. Like he seen his dad do so many times. He unlocked the door and came in.

"Hey baby." he said 

The moment she seen them tears filled her eyes as her memories flooded her head of her dad. "No.." she whispered as a tear fell down her cheek.

"Baby I'm sorry..it's for a year like Brody." he said as he came over to her. He caressed her cheek and wiped her tears. "I leave in two weeks baby." he said 

She broke into tears and started to cry harder and he took Ellie and put her in the playpen as Lindsey went into the kitchen and he wrapped his arms around. "Shh baby I don't want to leave you but I have no choice." he said as he rested his forehead against the back of her head. 

"I'm getting really tired of the universe I really am..like what the fuck James." she whispered 

"Baby I know me too." he said he moved her hair off her neck.

She turned around and he cupped her cheeks "This is the only time baby I promised you two years and I'm done. I will not re enlist okay" he said as he kissed her "I love you baby." he whispered.

"I love you too. " she whispered 

Two weeks later the day before Bucky had to leave he came in and said "Baby I got you something." he said then she felt cold go across her neck. 

She looked down to see her own set of dog tags and read what he had engraved and smiled. 

She wiped tears and said "I have something for you too

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She wiped tears and said "I have something for you too." 

She went back into their bedroom and placed another dog tag necklace on him and he read his. He smiled at her with tears and kissed her slammed the door behind him and laid her on the bed. "Mmm" he moaned as he ripped clothes off of her and he took his off as they continue to make out. 


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