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"Fuck yes Jamie! Ugh! Faster!"

Eve was thrashing under me like a fish just taken out of water. Both of our bodies slick with sweat and my large hands holding onto her slim waist as I pummeled into her. Eve laid limp on my dick as she had her orgasm and I thrusted one last time before I came. I slowly slid out of her and took off the condom.

"God, I love you." She said as she recovered from her high.

"Love you too." I responded robotically as I tied the condom closed and got up to throw it in our bathroom trash. Once in the bathroom I took a long look at myself. Though I worked countless nights at the hospital as a surgeon, bags would simply not form under my eyes. My facial hair was shaved to perfection and my dark brown hair did wonders at highlighting my hazel eyes.

I truly was handsome.

"What's taking so long handsome?" Eve called out.

See? Point proven.

I didn't respond as I exited the bathroom and entered my bedroom to see my fiancé scrolling on her phone in her naked state. I laid down next to her and kissed her bare shoulder.

"You know because of you I'm going to be hella sore walking into work tomorrow." She joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Good. Then maybe you will stay home and give Mason one less day to see you." I say jealously. Eve only laughed. Just like she did every time I brought up Mason.

"How many times do I have to tell you Jamie?! He's just my boss. Nothing more. Nothing less. I only have eyes for one man." She cooed as she caressed my jaw.

"And who's that?" I urged. Eve smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

"You silly."

I kissed her back trying to register that love that she had for me back unto her.

"We should change the sheets." She said as she broke the kiss.

"Why? We're only going to dirty them again." I said as I got on top of her and stared into her lust filled eyes knowing mine held the same. Eve moved from under me and grabbed another condom from our nightstand before getting back into place. She ripped the condom with her teeth and looked at me innocently.

"Whenever you're ready."


"Hey Dr. Morris." Said two female high school interns as they passed me in the hall.

"Hey girls." I wink back. They squealed in happiness that I responded and I chuckled as I moved away from them.

"Oh if it isn't J man!"

I rolled my eyes to the voice of my colleague Chris.

"Why do you insist on calling me that?" I dragged playfully annoyed.

"To bring some happiness in this morbid building. That's why." He said as he put an arm around my shoulder. I removed his arm and looked around.

"Shouldn't you be working?"

Chris shrugged. "It's been a slow day."

"Haven't had one of those in forever." I said smiling lightly. Chris didn't even hear me because he was too busy checking out one of the nurses that walked by.

"Thank God I became a surgeon."


"Appendicitis can be very deadly Mrs. Wang. An appendectomy is often the recommended procedure to fix it."

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