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"Ow! Tammy I did not agree to this!"

"Stop being such a baby Kyla. I'm almost done."

Tammy sewed the last of the dress closed and finally stopped stabbing me with her needle.

"You look gorgeous!" She beamed as she looked at her work. I turned fully to the body mirror in front of me and inspected myself. The dress was cinched in tightly at my waist and showed my curves beautifully.

"I do don't I?" I say more to myself. Tammy rolled her eyes.

"Don't get a big head now. That dress has to be shipped in less than an hour. Thanks for filling in for Cindy."

"No problem." I responded as I hopped down from the stool where I stood. Tammy carefully took the dress off of me and placed it wherever she puts dresses that are getting shipped off.

"You're still making my dress for the art gala right?" I ask as I put on my previously worn clothes.

"Yes!" I heard her yell from the back of her studio. I looked down at my phone to check the time.

Shit it was after twelve!

"Tammy I got to go! I have brunch with Jordan!" I say as I hurriedly got my stuff together.

"Ugh just stay with me. I never liked him anyway." Tammy huffs as she emerges from the back of her studio. I smile at her clear disdain for Jordan.

"Oh come on. You'll like him sooner or later." I suggest. Tammy gives me a blank look.

"I doubt it." She said. "But it's fine. Go have lunch with hubby." I roll my eyes but still went to give her a hug. She hugs me just as tight.

"Stay innocent!" She yelled as I left her studio. I shook my head and laughed.

God I could not stand her.


"You're late."

Was the first thing I heard as I sat across from Jordan at the small and expensive diner.

"I know and I'm sorry." I said as I placed my bag next to me. "Tammy needed me."

"Yeah, well Tammy sure seems to need you a lot these days."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped. He says nothing but calls the waiter over with his hand. When we had our food placed in front of us, I finally decided to remind Jordan about accompanying me to the art gala I was hosting.

"Remember you need to accompany me at the art gala."

"When is it again?"

"The 18th."

"Oh yeah. Sorry babe but I got an audition." He said as he stuffed a piece of french toast in his mouth.

"Jordan!" I say in disbelief. "I told you about this weeks ago!"

I wanted to scream and hit him. He always made me so damn frustrated!

A shrug was all I got as a response.

"You're unbelievable and selfish." I spat. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sick and tired of your attitude Kyla. You never show any fucking respect." He said in a hushed voice trying not to startle those around us. I screamed very loudly in my head.

"Fine. If that's how you're gonna act-"

I got up from my seat and tried to exit the diner but Jordan grabbed my hand and turned me towards him.

"Hey. I'm sorry ok? Just finish your food and we'll talk about the gala at my place."

I huffed. I was still angry but I complied.

"Fine." I said. Jordan smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

"That's my girl."


I already knew that we weren't going to "talk" when we went to Jordan's place. His head was inbetween my legs eating me out like a starved man and sure it felt good but I knew what his intentions were. He wanted me to be in a state of pure ecstasy so I would forget about what he did to piss me off. Sometimes it worked. Ok most of the time it worked but not this time. The art gala was too important to just blow over.

"Jordan stop. I'm not in the mood."

He looked up confused.

"You haven't even came yet."

I ignored his statement and just went straight to the point.

"I want you to miss your audition and come with me to the art gala."

Jordan groaned and grabbed a paper towel to wipe his mouth.

"Are we still on about that?" He asked.

"Of course we are. I already talked to you about how important this could be in strengthening my career!"

"And what about my career?! I don't want to keep depending on my dad's lawyer money anymore Kyla." His brown eyes stared at me with such sincerity I fell for him all over again.

"You're right. I'm sorry. You want to make a living for yourself and I should be supportive."

Jordan laid down next to me on his bed and rubbed my thigh.

"Thank you for understanding."

I looked up and kissed him. Feeling bad that I made him sad. Jordan began to kiss my neck and rub his hand over my slit when I embarrassingly moaned. He was breathing heavily in my ear.

"Are you ready now?" He asked in a raspy voice. Though I really did want to continue and go all the way with him, I just...couldnt.

"No." I whimpered out. Jordan stopped kissing my neck and rubbing my slit.


Was all he said. I knew he was angry. But it's not my fault that I'm not ready. He got up to go to his bathroom and I sat up.

"I'm sorry Jordan."

"I said it's ok Kyla." He responded sharply. I shut up after that and leaned back into his bed. I listened to the water droplets of his running shower and soon I was fast asleep.

Lmao. What do y'all think of Jordan?

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