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"This tie is killing me." I whined to Eve as I struggled to put it on in our bathroom's mirror. "It's way too tight."

"Figure it out Jamie. I'm too busy trying to pick out a dress."

"I thought you said you were wearing the purple one? It looks really good on you."

"Mason said purple is tacky and I should pick more of a neutral color."

"And why is Mason giving you dress advice?" I asked annoyed.

"Do you hear yourself Jamie? Sometimes I can't stand you. The man is inviting us to one of the most elite gatherings of the year and all you can do is complain."

I rolled my eyes when she said that and exited our bathroom. The doors of her walk in closet was wide open and dresses were sprawled everywhere.

"This one!" She shouted as she held up a navy blue dress with a really deep V neck.

"Eve? I don't think-"

"Jamie please leave me alone and let me dress however I want. Okay?"

I huffed and sat on our bed already done getting dressed. Sometimes she could be the worst.

"Okay." I responded. I didn't want to bring up the fact that I was the one to give her the money to go and buy these dresses since my paycheck is larger, Eve would take it the wrong way.

When she was finally ready we got inside of my Range Rover and drove to where the gala took place. To say the place was crowded was an understatement.

"Where the hell am I supposed to park?" I asked scanning my eyes for any vacancy.

"Over there." Said Eve as she pointed to a private lot that you had to pay for.

"I'm not paying $150 to park Eve." I laughed. But she did not find it very funny.

"You're so goddamn cheap sometimes." She said while folding her arms.

"Will you pay for it?"

"What? No! That's not my jo-"

"Then shut it Eve." I snapped.

The car was deadly silent as I parked three blocks away from the building. Eve quickly retrieved her jacket and stepped out the car. I sighed and got out as well.

She could be such a handful at times.

Once we finally reached the building's entrance there was flashes of lights everywhere. It was obvious the press was taking pictures and interviewing someone important but art didn't interest me enough to find out who it was. Eve and I entered the building after showing our tickets and she shoved her jacket in my arms.

"Can you go look for where they put jackets? I have to go look for Mason, personal assistant duties."


"Jamie please."

Her eyes were so sincere. I didn't want to cause a scene so I nodded. She smiled and kissed my cheek before departing.

The music was horrible.

It was like a mix of classical and country.

I cringed and made my way around looking for a jacket rack. Once I did, I got a jacket ticket and continued looking around. There was art everywhere. From paintings, to sculptures, to photographs. Some were very beautiful and others were so minimalistic it didn't deserve to be called art.

Then, I saw one with a brown skinned girl looking down a well and it just really reminded me of something. It was done entirely in watercolor so the mystery of who the girl was intrigued me more since her face couldn't be seen. Just when I was about to look at who painted it, I felt a pat on my back.

Chasing the Artist (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now