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When I left Jamie's apartment my heart was beating so fast.

H-he wanted to hang out?

And the strangest part was that I agreed.

I should be mad at him. But when he explained to me how I ended up here, I just couldn't. It was just like the same Jamie from all those years ago before everything.

As I stepped into my car I could practically hear Kingsley's stare.

"I know. I know." I said waving my hands. He pursed his lips and drove forward. I didn't feel like hearing his chastising.

My apartment was empty and cold just like always as I put my things down. I sat on my couch and sighed rubbing my temples.

I am a mess.

I can't believe that I was that out of it to allow myself to get drugged. Like what the fuck? And out of all people it was Jamie who saved me.

Was the universe trying to tell me something?

I felt so embarrassed. I alrrady knew I was a mess but to have Jamie see me in that predicament just...sucked. I probably just confirmed his decision all those years ago with my reckless actions. I'm never going out feeling that way ever again. My phone ringing loudly snapped me out of my self doubts.

"Hello?" I reaponded without looking at the caller id.

"You better have a good reason for ignoring me."

Tammy's angry voice surprised me simce it was so early in the morning.

"Shit I'm sorry Tam."

"No you're not."

"Don't be like that."

"Be like what? Honest? Blunt? Something that you refuse to reflect?"


"I'm only looking out for you Ky. If you want to ignore all fifty of my calls, let's just see how much you like it."

The beep of her hanging up her phone rang in my ear so loudly it became deafening.

Great. Tammy was officially mad at me.

And rightfully so.

I was just gonna call her tomorrow. She would cool off and the tension would lessen. I sighed as I scrolled down Tammy's fifty missed calls and Jordan's one text message.

Jordan: Yo u ok?

I looked at his text message for a long time wondering how I should respond.

Me: Meet me at my studio?

He texted back rather quickly and his reaponse worsened my mood.

Jordan: Can't. Rehearsing for that part I got. Maybe weeknd?

I sighed and threw my phone on the floor.

He was never going to change will he?

A shower was calling me and that's exactly what I went to go do.


"How much more will it cost for you to frame it?"

"Since your request is one of my largest canvas paintings it would only cost $150. Is that alright?"

"Oh that's fine. My daughter adores your work. I can't wait to give it to her for her birthday. Thank you so much Kyla!"

"It's no problem Diane."

"Well I better go. Mia just entered and is getting curious of what her present will be."

"Goodbye Diane."

I ended the call with a small laugh as I began to frame Mia's large painting. My studio's doorbell rang and I quickly got up to answer. Wiping the excess paint on my apron I opened the door and jumped on the visitor.


"Hey! You're getting paint all over me!"

I got down and gave him a cheeky smile.

"That's what you get for surprising me."

"Anyways..." He dragged. "I have some news to tell you." He carefully sat on one of my extra stools and gave me a worried look."

"Everything's fine with Anna right?" I said reflecting that worried look.

"Oh yeah! Anna's fine. It's about... Henry."

I sucked in a deep breath and lowered my head.

"He was fooling around with someone before...ya know."

That got my attention.

"I'm sorry Sean."

He shrugged and rubbed his face.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. Mom's the one hurting because now there's a kid involved."


"You remember Ms. Campbell right?"

"My geometry teacher?! He-"

"We have an eight year old brother Kyla."

"This is ridiculous! Why did she wait eight years?!"

"Henry being in jail complicated alot of things."


"I was just as skeptical as you. Though mom is hurt, she was even more skeptical than both of us. She was able to apply for multiple dna tests. It's definite. We got a brother."

Sean let out a tired laugh and rubbed his face once again.

"Even behind bars Henry still knows how to insert himself into our lives."

"W-what's his name?" I ask curiously.


"Adrian Adams?"




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