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I was back at work and the day was simply dragging along. Chris wasn't here and it was too quiet than I personally liked but I got used to it soon enough.

Someone knocked on my office door and I told them to come in.

"I'm here with an update on Ms. Wang Dr. Morris."

I looked up at Meg and sighed at the papers in her hand. She put them on my desk and retreated back.

"She doesn't seem to be...recovering."

I raised a brow and read the papers in front of me.

"She drank alcohol?!"

I grunted in frustration. I definitively told her not to drink any for at least 24 hours!

"I-It's not totally her fault Jamie. We should've kept her in for one more day knowing about her past with depression."

I sighed heavily and rubbed my face. She is someone who lost her husband in war and has no children. She must be pretty lonely.

"You're right Meg. Where is she now?"

"St. Peter's Hospital. Emergency room. She called the ambulance when she woke up after passing out."


"You have an appointment scheduled with her tomorrow. That's about it."

"Okay. Thanks Meg."

I rubbed my forehead aggressively trying to ease the sudden headache. When I didn't hear her walking away I looked up.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" I asked confused. She fiddled with her fingers and pushed her blonde hair back.

"Are you doing anything this weekend?" She asked nervously. I softly smiled.

She likes me.

"Meg I'm..."

I held up my left hand and Meg instantly turned red.

"I am so sorry Jamie! Tina told me you were single and I- Sorry!" She put her face in her hands and I chuckled softly.

"It's okay."

She looks up still with a flushed face.



"Can we pretend this never happened though?"

I chuckle again and nodded. She awkwardly nods back and leaves my office. Before the door shut I heard her mutter she was gonna kill Tina and a small smile found it's way on my face. It soon dissipated when I looked back at the ring that sat perched on my finger. I rubbed it slightly.

It was soon time to leave work and I gathered all my things and turned off the light. The metallic glint of my ring reaching my eyes as it sat on my desk.

I shut the door.



I laughed as my ten year old little sister ran into my arms.

"Hey Jess. You've gotten so big!"

She didn't say anything as she hugged me tighter.

"Hey Evening!" She yelled over my shoulder. I could hear Eve's disgusted sigh as Jess purposely mispronounced her name.

"It's just Eve, Jess."

"Only people I like are allowed to call me Jess. Last time I checked..."

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