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He shoved me as soon as I opened my door.

"You are such a fraud!" He yelled.

To say that I was confused out of my mind was an understatement.

"What are you talking abo-"

"Don't play dumb!" He yelled. I closed my mouth and stared at him. He looked and sounded unhinged.

"You're able to fool everyone around you that you're some amazing guy. But you really just enjoy ruining my life don't you?!" He yelled again. I tried to move away but he just shoved me backwards again.

"Jordan come on. We just started reconnecting. What are you doing?"

"What I'm- What I'M DOING?!"

He got upset again and kicked my coffee table until it landed on its side.


"You've been sleeping with Kyla." He said calmly.

I froze.

"She's pregnant."

She's what?

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's yours." Jordan spat. "She broke up with me because she loves you and she's having your baby. GOD!"

He finally moved from in front of me and sat on my couch with his head in his hands.

"The entire time I've been with her. She never told me that she loved me. What do you have that I don't?"

I knew the way that Jordan asked the question was rhetorically but I knew he would want the answers someday so I might as well say it now.

"Kyla and I go way back." I sigh.

"You've only known her for a couple months. That dinner when I introduced to her to everyone wasn't that long ago." He responded quickly. I sighed again and ran my hand down my face.

"I've known Kyla for eight years. Soon to be nine. We met during the summer of my sophomore year of col-"

"You're him!" Jordan interrupted.


"The guy Kyla told me about. Her first love."

He laughed coldly after that.

"I can't believe this. How could she still go back to you after everything you put her through?! She deserves better." He said giving me a cold stare.

"And what? You're better? You forced her to have sex with you." I spat.

"I didn't force her to do anything. She said yes but you groomed her like the perv you are and now she has Stockholm syndrome by still wanting to be with your perverted ass. You were nineteen going after a fifteen year old. What type of-"

My fist connected with his face before he could finish his sentence.

"It wasn't like that!" I yelled.

"Oh it was like that! Look how defensive you are right now! You fucked my girlfriend behind my back six times while you shook my hand and acted like you wanted to fix things between us. You're a fucking fraud and dad would be ashamed of you. Just like he always has!"

I threw another punch but missed which gave Jordan the upper hand.

"That pissed you off didn't it?! But it's true! Those months you've spent with dad have meant nothing. You will always be that bastard child that came from a prostitute with no worth to your name."

Chasing the Artist (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now