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"Shut up Chris." I laughed.

"I mean it's true though. Those interns can't resist the Chris Master."

"Oh God!" I laughed again.

Eve was out late at work so I decided to just take Chris' offer and go out with him to the club so he'll leave me the fuck alone.

"I need a drink." He said as he parked across the street from the club.

"Same. For these past two weeks Eve has given me more migraines than I thought was possible."

"That's married life for ya." Chris laughed.

"We're not married yet." I said defensively.

"Might as well be." He sang as he got out of his car. I rolled my eyes and got out of the passenger side making my way towards the club. Once inside, I could see why I chose sleeping rather than partying out every night. The loud egregious music, the weird tangy scent, and all the girls who were so obviously underaged. All in all, not my scene. But it had drinks so that was a plus I guess.

"She's checking you out dude." Chris said shoving me slightly. I looked at my side and saw a pretty blonde staring dead at me.

"She's like ten." I snorted.

"You'll never know unless you ask."

I held up my left hand with my ring on it and swung it in Chris' face. He rolled his eyes and pats my back.

"Let's go drink my friend."

The night didn't go so bad until this weird dude pushed me on his way to the bartender. The blonde from earlier was dancing with me. It didn't mean anything though. Turns out she was twenty-one and when the guy pushed me I accidentally shoved her.

"Sorry." I said trying to help her find her balance.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault. It was that jackass." She spat. My eyes drifted over to the weird guy and he was hunched over at the bar trying to be discreet about pouring something inside of a drink. I kept my eyes on him, unsure of what his intentions were. He got up and made his way farther down the bar where he sat in front of a girl.

When she looked up I recognized her.

What was Kyla doing here?

He handed her the drink and I stood still at the dance floor.

Did she know the guy or something? If not she couldn't be that stupid to take a drink from a stranger right?


Kyla snatched the drink out of his hand, said something to him, then tilted her head back as she drank the drink.

"I'll be right back." I told the blonde. She nodded and continued dancing.

I don't know what came over me but I was so angry at the guy for having the balls to try something like this where he was surrounded by so many people.

He thought it was that easy.

My fist punched him to wipe that annoying smirk off of his face.

"You drugged her!" I yelled. The guy groaned holding onto his bloody nose. I was about to pounce on him again but I saw Kyla in the corner of my eye acting a little funny. Her eyes were droopy and she could barely sit up right.

"Kyla! Kyla!" I yelled out worriedly while grabbing her and lifting her up. The weird dude was still beside me groaning in pain and I so badly wanted to hit him again. Kyla hummed slightly and my attention was back on her. By then Chris had found his way towards me and looked at Kyla.

Chasing the Artist (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now