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The cool and crisp New York weather whipped against my pale cheeks most likely stinging the hell out of them but I couldn't feel a thing.

I stood in front of Mrs. Wang's grave with a bouquet of white roses in my hand. I was unsure if she liked these flowers but there was no one for me to ask.

Even though it was breezy outside, perspiration still drizzled down my temple because of anxiety. I looked at how barren Mrs. Wang's grave was compared to the others that surrounded hers and a slight amount of pride reached me at the thought that I'm helping her out in this way.

I gently put the flowers down on her grave and rocked awkwardly on the heel of my feet.

"So I guess I'm supposed to talk you huh?"
"Well, Mrs. Wang, my name is Jamie Steven Morris and I was the surgeon that tried to save you. I failed but I hope you are in a better place now. I'm not really one to believe in an after life but I hope there is one and you're in the best part about it. You deserve it. And despite that so many people have told me it's not my fault, I just feel that it is and I'm sorry for failing you. I wish you well."

I turned around with a small sigh of relief. I felt like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders and couldn't be any happier.


"Sorry to hear that man."

Grayson sat across from me slightly swishing around his small cup of bourbon.

"I think I'm okay now. How are you? Its been awhile." I asked.

Grayson gave an awkward smile.

"So I kinda got accepted into the culinary school of my dreams." He bragged.

I smiled back at him goofily and clinked my glass cup with his.

"Congrats man. What does your dad have to say about it?"

"He finally gave up on trying to push me to learn trade. He's a little upset but I think he's just happy that I'm happy."

"Well that's nice to hear, parents like that seem a little hard to come by."

"Yeah." Grayson smiled. "I love my old man."


It was completely unhealthy.

She has completely taken over my mind.

When my mind would wander, it often fantasize me about her and that scared me.

I was a fool for suggesting we be friends.

We could never be friends. Not with a past like that.

But I missed her.

Everything about her.

It was late in the afternoon and I was once again off from work. I called Eve to leave work early so we can spend time together but she never answered. I sighed deeply.

Then my mind quickly started to fantasize about her again. I quickly shook my head to try and escape it but couldn't. I groaned in annoyance from the power that she had over me.

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