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It's been two weeks since that hospital visit.

I've pretty much been disowned by Jordan. It wouldn't have bothered me that much but he has also limited my relationship with Jess. She still finds a way to talk to me but I feel bad that I put her in this situation. Who knows the lies Jordan could be feeding her?

As of right now, there isn't really a title to Kyla's and I relationship. We're together for sure, that much is exclusive, but it's been hard to come to terms with things. For example, breaking it to her family has proven to be extremely difficult. She wants me to dive head first in rekindling things with Sean and Tammy. I, on the other hand want to start with her mom and Brandon. That's what we've been arguing about for the past few days.

Also, it's not only Kyla's people who may have a problem with us. Ma has grudgingly accepted our relationship with much chastising. I've done everything I can to give my mom a good impression of Kyla. And it's up to her to continue with that impression.

I have put those thoughts aside for now because it's Kyla's birthday and she went to her mom's for her birthday. She will be back in New York after her birthday and that just pressures me more to find the perfect gift.

The problem is, I have no idea what to get her.

What do you give a girl that has everything?

Then I got an idea.

A stupid idea.

But it was an idea nevertheless.

I picked up my phone and called her.

"Happy early birthday Kyla."

"Thanks Jamie."

"What are you doing?"

"Picking out an outfit."

"Really? For what?" I asked confused.

"Um...Brandon and I are just going to the cemetery tomorrow."

"Cemetery? Does this...Does this have anything to do with your bio parents?"

"I'll tell you about it later Jamie."

"You trust me right?"

"Of course I do, it's just...It's not easy for me to talk about it over the phone okay?"

"Okay." I sigh.

"Can we move on? That's enough about me."

"Enough about you? But it's your birthday that's coming up."

"Yeah but I just miss you, ya know?"

I smiled at that.

"I'm fine. I'm only stressing about what to get you."

"You don't have to get me anything Jamie. I've got everything I want."

"I know but you're important to me and I want to give a gift to you to help express that."

I heard a sigh on her end of the phone.



"Yes okay." She said with a laugh.

"Well that's good because I need to ask you something."

"Yeah what is it?"

"What's Tammy number?"


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