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Dear Kyla,

        I'm not going to lie it feels weird writing to you. I mean we have to consider the fact we've only known each other for a few months. But just because our time together wasn't hefty, doesn't mean I wasn't able to study you. You're a gorgeous girl with an obvious good head on your shoulders. But I would like you to stop playing with my sons' emotions. Steven couldn't take his eyes off you during that first dinner. My coughs were distracting, but the sexual tension between the both of you guys was even more so. I may not have been the best dad to Steven but I truly do wish for his happiness. Eve didn't make him happy. You can see it on their faces, miserable is what they were. But you, every time he glanced at you, it was like you were his world. I'm unsure of when you guys first met because the chemistry was too strong to just begin at the dinner. And though I'm sitting at my desk praising you for making my son Steven happy, I cannot forget about his brother. The one you are in a relationship with. Breaking up with him to be with Steven will destroy him. But I know it is inevitable. Such as my deathbed. One can only wish to live forever right? Anyways, this is a letter addressed to you and not my sons. You're going to be a great addition to the family. Staying in a relationship with Jordan seems like the right thing to do, but as a man that destroyed the chances of being with the love of my life for stability, I can attest that you would be making a big mistake. Both my sons deserve you, but as harsh as this sounds, Steven deserves you more because he will treat you better. I know that boy has spent his entire life avoiding to be like me. At the end it was worth it because what a fine man he became.

                                          G. Morris


Tammy stood behind me and held my hair as my head faced downward in the toilet throwing up all this morning's contents. The smell was horrendous and my entire body ached. I felt so out of it. With one last gag, my stomach felt empty but my dizziness subsided. After Tammy helped to clean me up we sat on my bed.

It was eerily quiet.

She has been back for at least two weeks now. At first it was awesome. Felt like we were back in high school, but then things quickly started to go south...

"Really Kyla?"

"Tammy please, your judgment is peeking through."

"Good. Let it. What are you thinking fucking two brothers at once?!"

I rolled my eyes and leaned further back in my couch.

"I'm going to break up with Jordan." I say calmly.

Tammy sucked her teeth loudly and looked at me like I was stupid.

"God! I can't believe- I can't believe that I-"

"That you what?!" I interrupted.

"Loved you!" She yelled back.

My apartment was deadly silent. I stared at Tammy as if she was a stranger.

"Tammy you're my best friend, how can you regret loving me?" I asked with my voice breaking.

"Because you are so clueless Kyla. You let people take advantage over you over and over again. You let bad influences frolic inside your life with open arms and suppress the good influences! I'm tired of always giving you a lecture that seems to go in one ear and out the other. You can't even notice your best friend is in love with you."

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