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"Appendicitis can be very deadly Mrs. Wang. An appendectomy is often the recommended procedure to fix it."


"Do you see how different your appendix looks from the healthy one Mrs. Wang?"


"You're a good man Dr. Morris."

She's flatlining! Turn it up Meg!

"It's at the highest number already doctor."

"I not get hurt right?"

"I can't promise you that Mrs. Wang. But I will try my very hardest to make this procedure carry out safely."


Don't give up on me Mrs. Wang.

"You alright man?"

My chair was turned away from the door but I could hear that it was Chris' voice.

"Alright?" I mumbled. "Am I alright?"

"W-we can't save everyone man."

"Shut up Chris!" I turned my chair back around to face him.

"She had no one. The only person she had was herself and I...I killed her."

I laid my head in my hands and fought the urge to cry.

"Don't do this to yourself man. There's no way you could've kno-"

"I could've kept her at the hospital for one more day. Then she would've never drank alcohol. Then she wouldn't have gone to St. Peters to stabilize. Then she wouldn't have suffered internal bleeding in the middle of her appointment with me!"

My leg was shaking violently. I could only blame myself.

"I know she's the first person that hasn't lived when you performed surgery on them but it was bound to happen Jamie."

"It was inevitable for her to die Chris?"

"You know that's not what I'm sa-"

"Get out."


"Chris, just leave. I want to be alone."

He sighed and shook his head.

"Whatever you want man. Just remember that it's NOT your fault."

He left my office by slamming the door shut but I didn't even flinch.

It was my fault.




"You busy right now?"

"I'm finishing something for a client. Everything okay?"


"Want to talk about it?"

"I need to see you."

"I have a deadli-"

"Please Kyla."

"Okay. Sending you the address."

"Thank you."

"No problem."


"Your friend Chris is right. It's not your fault Jamie."

Chasing the Artist (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now