chapter 1

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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock beeping into my ear, I internally groan as I press down the the small square button on top of the alarm clock. I rub my eyes and yawn as I push the blankets off of me and swing my feet over my soft bed

I stand up and scrach my stomach as I walk to my dresser and pull out some black ripped skinny jeans and a over sized pink sweater and a black beenie.

I walk back over to my bed and set my clothes down and start to undress and dress into my new outfit, I sit on my bed and slip some black socks on and some fluffy grey slippers for now. I stand up and head to my bathroom and look into the mirror and see my terrible bed head, I grab my purple brush and start to untangle my hair, I have black silky hair with grey tips, I have a rare condition were I have two different coloured eyes, I have one light blue eye and one dark brown eye, its pretty neat actually.

once I'm done I brush my teeth for a good 2 minutes, I put my beenie on and walk over my closet and dig through my box of shoes, I pull out some pink nike slides and take off my slippers and slip on the slides. I decided to go bare faced today, I'm not much of a make up person

I open my door and head downstairs to the kitchen "good morning mom" I say as I back hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek

"haha good morning sweetheart, you're in a good mood today" she replys with a small giggle

"yeah I'm exited to see harin today, but I hated getting up this early" I say as I sit down at the island waiting for mom to finish breakfast

"why didnt you sleep in its Saturday?" my mother asks " cause harin wants to go the library before everyone else because she wants first pick on any new books, and after were getting ice cream or maybe the mall" I simply state "she's a huge book worm and she loves learning the history of seoul, she's a weird one" I finish as I get up to get a cup and pour some milk into it and sit back down

while I'm doing so my mom puts some toast on a plate with some good old eggs and my mom likes hot sauce on her eggs so her grabbed some of that to

"so where are you meeting harin at" my mom asks as she turns the stove off and puts the plate on the island and sits down and hands me and plate as she starts to dig into her food

"shes going to pick me up at 7" I say I put a fork load of eggs into my mouth, while I chew I look at the time on my phone it was only 6:45

when I finished eating with mom I got up and rinsed my dish and continued to have small talk with my mom

after a few more minutes my door bell rings as I get up and answer the door but when I open it I'm squeezed into a big hug from harin

"I'm so happy we can hang out today" she says as she lets me go with a huge smile

harin has light brown hair and dark eyes, she is wearing a white plain  t-shirt and some cute overalls with winnie the pooh stiched onto the front, she also wore some timberland boots, she wore her big circle glasses

"I know I am to, so are you ready for this adventure to the library" I ask as I link my arms with her "yes defiantly I can't wait to see if they have any newer books" she says with a big smile on her face I quickly grab a bag and say goodbye to my mom "bye mom ill see you later" I wave back to her as I step out of the house

before I close the door I hear my mom say "okay honey have a great time, be back before 11, love you girls"

"love you to" harin and I say in unison as we walk to her grey 2017 hyundai, I sit in the passenger seat and put on my seat belt and wait for harin to do the same, she puts the radio on as "jealousy" by monsta X plays

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