Chapter 2

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harin and I have been at the mall for about two hours, we bought a few things, I bought a cute black dress with red roses on it and its a little bit laced in the the front, I also bought some cute black high top converse. harin bought a teal flowy t-shirt with some leggings and she bought some nice black knee high boots

we had two bags each of clothes or accessories, we stopped by the food court to by some food, we ended up wanting to eat at subway

"hello how are you today, how may I take your order" a young man maybe 18 or 19 asks, let me tell you he was cute hella cute

"hi I'm good thank you, ummm... ill have the 9 grain wheat bread please 6 inch with pepperoni, bacon, toasted for me please" I say as I wait for him to put it in the mini oven for 30 seconds and patiently wait while he starts in harins sandwich

the timer went off telling us my bread is done toasting, harin wants her toasted also so the young man smoothly switches the sandwiches and puts a 30 second timer for harins

"what else would you like on your sandwich?" he asks with a small smile

"I would like some black olives, pickles, small amount of lettuce please and some mustard and that would be it for me" I say as I move down the the end of the counter so harin can get stuff on her sandwich and so other people can get ready to order

"will that be all for you to ladies" he asks as he wraps up the sandwiches "can we get two chocolete chip cookies please" harin adds in

he adds in the cookies and adds up our total (I'm going to just use USA dollar currency)

"that will be $15.50 please" he says as he taps onto his screen

"here you go" I say as I give him a $20 I heard a faint 'thank you' as he gets me change

"thank you" i say while I grab the change and harin grabs the bag

"where do want to sit?" I ask while we walk around with her looking for a spot "over there" I say and point to a small booth in the corner

we walked over to the booth and started to eat our delicious sandwichs

when we finish we both decide to head back to my house, its already 2 so we exit the mall and throw our trash away  and make our way to the parking lot to harins car

we get into her can and buckle up and head back to my house, after about 10 minutes we arive

we get out of the car and head to the front door, I grab my house key and unlock the door and walk in, I'm guessing mom left for work

my mom is a buisness woman she works constantly but it pays the bills so

we head up to my room and I sling the bag off my shoulder, I totally forgot about the book

"hey do you want to check out that book now, I might have some tools to unlock it" I suggest as I open the bag and pull out the old book

I was about to ask harin to look into my dresser for maybe something to help us open it when I looked at the lock it was already unlocked

"what the heck" I whisper under my breath "what?" I hear my best friend ask "the lock on this book is unlocked but I dont know how" I tell her as I slowly take the lock off of the book

harin sits next to me on my bed and has the aame confused expression as me

"maybe it came undone when it was in the bag? maybe it moved around or something?" she says but it sounded like a question

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