Chapter 8

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I headed to lunch with hoseok, he so kind and he has a lot of energy, he reminds me of the sun, he has a really sunny personality

"your such a happy person" I tell him as we continue to make it to lunch, many people running to get to the line first

"huh?" he looked at me "like your always happy, your like a ball of sunshine, your always so positive, how are you so happy all the time?" I ask him as I look up at him since he was a bit taller than me

"I want to make the people around me happy, like my brothers for example, I want then to live happily here so i look for the positive sides of every situation" he says with a smile

while we are walking a boy come running behind us and rams into us causing the boy to stumble but he still ran

I triped when he ran into us and I fell on my knees, hoseok was bumped into the lockers

"HEY WATCH IT" I yell at him and hoseok helps me up

I got what felt like rug burn but on the cement if you know what I mean, my knees were red and hurt

I wiped off my shirt and brushed my knees off "you okay?" I ask him "yeah I'm fine, how about you? is your knees okay" he ask me as he looks down at my legs

"yeah they just burn a little, they will heal, come on lets go to lunch" I tell him as I grab his hand and we weave through people and get into the lunch line

the boy who ran into us is infront of us but he is between two other boys then its us

hoseok seemed to be a little upset, he started to walk towards the boy "where are you going" I ask him "I'm going to have this kid apologize" he says as he gets behind the boy and gains his attention

there's a lot of people talking so its kind of hard to hear what hes telling the boy, I grab a lunch tray and slide down the line and get food, I grab a extra plate for hoseok also

he soon comes back over with the boy behind him, he looks a little scared, "here hoseok" I say as I give him his plate

"thank you, now say sorry to her" he says to me then to the boy

"i-I'm sorry it won't happen again" he bows then runs back to his original spot

"what did you tell him, that kid never tells anyone sorry?" I ask him "oh it was nothing, dont worry" he smiles at me was we get our food and chopsticks and head to the table

harin left earlier cause she wasnt feeling that good after art, I didnt have anyone to sit with

I just decided to walk with hoseok to his table "hey guys do you mind if I sit with you?" I ask them as hoseok sits down "yeah of course go ahead" namjoon says

"thanks" I say back, "how is your guy's day?" I ask them as I use my chopsticks and eat some brown rice "not that bad, I had a pretest today so that kind of sucked" jimin says as he stuffs his face

"mine was pretty good, I learned a lot of new things in my classes ive never knew about" taehyung says with a smile

"what about you?" jimin asks me

"it was good, I had a lot of fun last hour, hoseok and I made a new dance for Friday, and in art class I'm painting my mom" I tell them

"do you like art a lot?" yoongi asks, he wasnt eating just laying his head on the table

"yeah its one of my favorite classes, I have some of my works if you guys want to see" I tell them and I reach into my backpack and pull out a small pile of different drawings

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