Chapter 3

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(I'm just going to keep it in soojins perspective)

I wake up to harin shaking me, I groan and slowly open my eyes

"what?" i say as I turn to my side snd pull the blankets over my face " oh no you don't, come on lets gooo" she says as she pulls my blankets off of me and grabs my hands and pulls me up

"Ughhh what time is it" I sleeply ask as I adjust myself to be leaning on my headboard and rub my eyes "its 8 o'clock" harin says as she throws some clothes on my bed "here I picked out some clothes for you, now hurry and get ready so we can go" she says as heads out of my room

"jeez why does she want to go this early" I mutter as I flip my covers off of me and get undressed and dressed into black sweatpants, a dark green t-shirt, some black socks, a grey sweatshirt and a black hat with the heart finger handsign stiched onto it

I go to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth I spray some perfume and head downstairs to see harin eating breaafast while watching the tv

"yah" I yell which startles her "wuat" I hear her reply and look at me with her mouth full and eyes wide

I come and sit next to her "give me a bite" I say as I take her fork and take a big bite of her food

"HEY" she yells and before she can give me a good slap on the back I move from her reach "you got me up early to look for something that probably doesn't exist" i say back to her as I walk into the kitchen and make me something to eat

"well you dont know if you don't look, heck even if there wasn't at lease we might be able to see something cool" she says while I hear her walk into the kitchen by me and put her bowl into the sink and rinse it out

"true but still" I say while I cross my arms and stare at her, "well hurry up and get ready so we can go" she rushes me to go put my shoes on I head out of the kitchen and walk up stairs "grab the book while your up there" I hear her shout up to me "no I thought id just leave it here" I sarcasticly reply and roll my eyes

I go to my room and pull out my high top black converse and put them on, I then walk over to my book shelf and grab the heavy thick book and exit my room

I rush down the stairs because knowing harin she wants to hurry up and start this 'man hunt'

"okay here's the book" I give harin the book while I walk in the living room and grab a drawstring bag from on the coat rack and I snag my phone from on the coffee table "ill bring this just in case" "maybe we should grab some extra supplies like flashlights and water and some snacks" I chip in "yeah be right back ill get the water and snacks you go get the flashlights" she says as she darts to the kitchen

I set the bag down onto the floor by the door and look into the small dresser besides my stairs and find 1 flash light I tested it out and made sure it work

I grab it and walk back by the door to see harin shoving snack into the bag, "wow chill there, we still need to fit the flashlight and water in there" I say as I stop her and take out some snacks

"this should enough food" I say as I put 2 bags of chips, some cream pies and a few granola bars, it may not sound like a lot but they are big bags of chips "here put the water and this flashlight in there" I tell her as I hand over the stuff

I pick up the book and hold it close to me and breath in heavily

"fine lets get the show on the road" I say as I open the door and walk out with harina and lock the door behind me "mom wont be home today cause she has a new client" I tell harin as we start to walk down the side walk

I open the book to see if I can find any clues for when we get to the demon forest, it takes us about 30 minutes to reach demon forest

it was huge and dark considering it was morning and from what it looks there is no easy way in

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