Chapter 4

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I wake up to my alarm going off on my phone, I groggly open my eyes and and roll over and press dismiss on my alarm

I sit up and rub my eyes and look over to harin, "yah, its time to get up" I say and slightly shake her, she groans and slowly gets up

I take the blankets off of me and stand up and stretch "ah my back, I shouldnt have slept like that" I say to myself as I walk up stairs to my room harin shortly after followed me, I change out of my clothes, when I was changing out of my pants I pulled out the necklace out of my pocket, I look at it for a sew seconds, I decided to put it on, I walk over to my mirror and look at it on me, it's such a beautiful necklace

I grab my school uniform and change into it

(sorry I tried to find a good red uniform, you'll see why soon)

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(sorry I tried to find a good red uniform, you'll see why soon)

when I'm done I brush my hair and teeth, I walk over to my desk and pick up my backpack, "come on harin we need to leave its 6:45" I tell to her and she comes out of the bathroom "okay I'm ready lets go" she says as she pins her hair up into a high pony tail

we walk down stairs and out the door, I lock the house up and hop into harin car, I put my bag on my lap and put my seat belt on and look out the window as harin pulls out the drive way and head to myeoung jeon school

when we get to school harin parks her car in the student parking area, I unbuckle and get out the car, I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk to the entrance of the school with rin

"god I hate school" I say to her with annoyance "I agree" she replies, on our way two our locker some boy come running through the halls and rams into me "hey watch were your going!" I yell at him as he yells a 'sorry' and continues to run down the hall

"jeez I hate people, oh and speaking of hating people here's the one I hate the most" I tell harin "you can go to your locker ill deal with this bitch" I tell her "hey I'm not going to let you do this alone" she tells me as hyuna walks closer to us with her two minions by her "haha its fine, ill just deal with this then after school we can go to the library okay?" I tell her "just go" I say to her "fine but if something happens let me know, ill beat this bitch" she tells me with a chuckle

harin walks away and hyuna and her to sidekicks Mona and mina stop at my locker

"hey trash" hyuna starts "hey plastic" is all I reply with, with a bored and annoyed look on my face "excuse me what did you just say" she says in shock that I actually said something back, most people just tske it "you heard me, now if you'll excuse me I have more things to do then talk to a Barbie wannabe" I tell her and walk by her

she was pissed, but I didnt care one bit, I walk to my first class also known as English

I'm pretty good at English but not everyone here is, since most of the world speaks it we have to learn it

I sit down in my assigned seat and wait for class to start, I came a bit early so I didn't really have anything to do, and I dont really talk to anyone besides harin so yeah

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