chapter 9

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soojins perspective

I wake up and painfully got off my bed, I stand up and go to my closet, i was in a little more pain since its starting its healing process, I was sore all over

I grab my extra uniform and carefully change into it, once I finish I go into the bathroon and brush my hair and teeth and I try to clean up my wounds

I rebandage my face, I put ointment on my cuts so hopefully they will heal a little bit faster

I tie my tie and tie my shoes and get ready to head out, I texted harin to see if she can pick me up but she isn't answering

this is the first time she hasn't picked me up for school, I let it go and start to walk

as I walking a car pulls up by me, I look over and the window rolls down

its jin

"do you want a ride?" he asks me with a grin "oh uh its fine I can just walk" I tell him "we insist" jin says again as he stops his car and gets out

"uh okay" I say as I head towards the car and jin opens the back door for me

"hey soojin" I look and see all on the boys in his car, "hey" I say awkwardly as they make room for me, I close the door and jin gets back into the car and starts to take off

"how are you feeling" jungkook asks me with a sincere look "im doing better I guess, I'm still sore" I say as I rub my face a little

he mumbles something that I can't quite hear "what?" I question him "nothing" he says with a smile, but I could tell it was fake

the rest of the ride was filled with small conversations, I mostly look out of the window

a though soon ran through my head "hey Jin can you stop somewhere for me?" I ask him "huh? where" he asks getting everyone's attention

"the next right, my friend harin hasnt been answer me for 2 days so I'm worried and she went home sick so I never got to ask her if she okay" I tell him

"oh sure, we still have a lot of time before school starts" he tells me as we drive down by harins house

jin stops the car and I get out, the boys follow after me

I was about to head up to harins gate door but jimin stopped me "what are you doing?" I ask him and try to shake off his hand

he only tightens and looks at his brothers with different emotions running through his face like he's communicating

"maybe you should stay here" namjoon comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder "what do you mean?" I say in confusion

"somethings doesn't seem right" he says in a serious tone, the first thought that I had was harin

I wiggle from his grasp and I open her front gate door as fast as I can

before I can take another step jimin was in front of me in a blink of an eye causeing me to bump into him "what" I say in shock "how did you get infront of me so fast?" I ask him

he dodges the question "you shouldn't go in there, we already called someone" he said as he blocks my way in

"your making me more worried about harin" I tell him "at least let one of us go in before you" taehyung says

the only way for me to see whats going on I have to let one go before me

"ill do it" jungkook says as he walks over by us and passes jimin and heads to the door and knocks

I follow after him and wait by the door with him

when no one answers we lightly pushes the door open, hes in the way of the door so I hold onto the back of his shirt

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