Chapter 7

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I open the scroll and my brothers was our very first family painting from when jin became king, we all looked so happy

"youve had this all this time?" namjoon asks "yeah, ive charished it for as long as I remember" I smile down at it "I thought father burned it after finding out what we were" jimin says as he wipes away a escaping tear "no I took it from him before he could, I was going to show you guys but after I was cursed to sleep I didnt have a chance to show you guys" I tell them as I look at then individually

I was about to scroll it up but namjoon stopped me "hyung" I say "wait dont roll it up" he tells me as I stop rolling "may I see it?" he ask "yeah of course" I tell him as he takes it into the living room, we all follow him eyeing his movements

he walks over to a empty space on the wall and nails it up, "I want to wake up and see that picture every morning" he starts "it reminds me of the good old days before we were vampires" he smiled at it

"why don't we eat then head to bed okay" jin tells us all we all obey, we all had a blood bag and headed up for bed, I walk into my room and just sit on my bed

I eventually lay down and look up at my ceiling and sigh I roll over on my side and pull out my necklace from my shirt and stare at it

"why would anyone love a monster" I mumble to myself, I stare at it for a while not taking my eyes off of it

I then realised something "if I were to fall in love with her why would I need the necklace back if I'd want her to be my mate for life?" I ask myself

I look at the necklace again feeling stupid, "how would I be able to love her, I'm cursed to not love?" I ask myself again grabbing my hair and groaning

I stand up and head to the library on the bottom floor, I get there and I look around to hopefully find something about my curse, heck the curse even made it were I can't even love my own brothers

I just feel happy but I cant love them like family should, I want that to end, like you know when someone close to you shows you so much affection but you just think as them as a friend? thats me with my brothers

I look at every shelf and finally find something about my curse, it was a old book the title was 'the curse of the seven princes' I open it up, every chapter was how the curse affected each prince

I go to my pages and read through them, as I read through I found something that could help me

'jungkook the 7th son of king bang was cursed to never love, the only way he could ever regain that feeling was to find the witch that cursed him in the first place. the curse was made to only be undone by the witch who started it' I read out loud

I sigh and slam my head on the table

"what are you doing in here kookie?" I turn to see hoseok hyung leaning on the door frame "I'm sorry hyung I didnt mean to wake you" I tell him as I shut the book and stand up

"nah its fine, I had a sudden feeling of sadness so I checked on all of the boys and only you were out of your bed, why are you sad?" he ask as he walks over to me

I sigh and look down, I feel hoseok hug me and I hug him back "I tried looking into my curse, I wanted to find away to break it so I can feel love for you guys" I tell him, I started to choke up a little bit

I may be a vampire but I can cry, "even though you can't love us we can still feel it, we know how much you care about us" he tells me as a tear slids down my cheek

he pulls away from the hug and wipes my tears and smiles at me, "lets get you to bed, we have school tomorrow" he tells me as he takes my hand and leads me back to my bedroom

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