Chapter 18

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we were at lunch and harin wanted an explanation, she heard about me saying jungkook was my boyfriend, and she wanted answers which was very simple

"how long has this been going on" she smirks and point to us back and forth, "it was just an excuse harin, we arnt actully dating" I say but of course she didn't believe me

"oh come on you cant lie to me, ive seen you guys get closer" she says with a are-you-kidding-me look

"look she was just getting harrased by some girls so I went to help and that was the only excuse she could use for them to leave her alone" he backs me up which I appreciate

I sigh when I realise I can't convince harin and I think jungkook knows that also, I pull out my phone and I text jungkook because if I were to whisper to him harin would start stuff

soojam🍇: I have a plan but I dont think you will like it

jungcookie🍪: what.....

soojam🍇: I know harin wont change her mind, she wont beleive me if I say we arnt dating

jungcookie🍪: okay so what is your idea

soojam🍇: lets just pretend to date

jungcookie🍪: ...

jungcookie🍪: no

soojam🍇: I don't want to either trust me, but I feel like its a good idea

jungcookie🍪: ...

soojam🍇: come on it wont be that bad, I promise I wont be a clingy girlfriend 😉

I smile at my phone when I sent that, its fun to tease jungkook, I look at him and he just looks at me with no expression, I just shrug

I set down my phone and eat some of my rice and drink my bubble tea that I brought from home, while I'm drinking my phone goes off

I continue to drink and check my phone, it was a message from jungkook

jungcookie🍪: fine ill do it

jungcookie🍪: but i have one condition

soojam🍇: okay what is it?

jungcookie🍪: no kissing

I almost choke on my drink, I start to cough and taehyung next to me pats my back in concern "I-I'm okay" I cough one last time "thanks" I smile at taehyung and he smiles back

"are you okay jinnie" harin asks "yeah I'm fine, it just went down the wrong tube" I chuckle and give jungkook a wtf look

I slowly eat my food again, "arnt you guys going to eat" harin asks while she chows down on her food

"u-uh yeah" jimin says and starts to eat, and so did namjoon and jin but the rest didn't

I looked at jimin in confusion then I look at jungkook, the bell soon rang and it was now out last hour of school

since my lunch out with jungkook got canceled yesterday we decided to go today, of course everyone else was still awair of se hwa being out there

I havnt told them yet that I saw her, drama club got cancelled today because the teacher is sick and most of the kids bailed after they found out the teacher wasn't going to be there

I threw my stuff away and I left for my last class, when I got there I sat down in my assigned seat and waited for everyone to pile in, but thats when I saw her

she just walked in and sat like nothing was going on, I was starting to get frightened, no one was in my class, what I mean is, none of the guys or harin is in this class

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