Chapter 5

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still kookies perspective

we reach the house and gather up in the living room "so thats the girl who took your necklace?" namjoon ask "shes beautiful" jimin says with a smile "did you see her eyes, ive never seen anyone with two different colored eyes" hobi hyung cuts in

"YAH" I yell getting their attention, "I need to get my necklace back, but how can we do it" I say as I rub my face

"why dont we just take it while shes sleeping" yoongi sighs and looks at me

"yeah maybe we can" I say "we will wait till 2am to go back cause I'm guessing then she will be asleep" jin says to us all "right" we all say "why do you want that necklace so bad?" taehyung asks me "because hyung, when the time comes to where I find a partner that necklace bounds us together, like that girl is wearing it now, I can feel what she feels and I can feel her emotions, I dont like it" I tell them all

"really?" they question

"yeah, I'm going to go workout" I tell them

I get off of the couch and head into the kitchen and grab me a blood bag, being asleep for 2 centuries messed with my control over when I drink or not

ive drank 4 blood bags today, I need to learn to control it again before we dont have enough for my brothers

I walk out of the kitchen after I throw away my now empty blood bag, I walk down the hall and into the mini weight room, its been a while since I've worked out but I'm still in shape

I work out for about 2 hours then I get bored, it was only 12am we still had two hours left before we leave

I walk out of the weight room sweaty so I decide to take a quick shower and change into something that would help he blend in a little bit

I finish up with my shower and I look at myself in the mirror, its been been a while since ive had a good look at myself, I'm pretty pale and I can change my eye color to brown, but if I'm hungry they turn red

you see vampires have different eye colors to different situations, the only color we can control is when we need to blend in with other people, our eyes turn red when we are hungry, they turn gold when we are mad. those are the main changes

when we are happy they turn a lighter shade of brown or a grey type color depending on which one of the two colors you chose

they turn deep black when we are more extremely pissed not mad, pissed like want to kill someone pissed

I take my eyes off of the mirror and walk out of the bathroom, I brush my hands through my wet hair and head back downstairs to see yoongi sleeping

usually we dont sleep but we can choose to, yoongi never slept back then, back then yoongi was always active, he was a war general at one he sleeps every chance he gets

I give him a sincere smile and sit on the opposite couch and put my hands behind my head, ive had plenty of sleep so I'm good

its almost 1:30 so I stand up and get my other brothers so we can come up with a plan, I walk back into the living room and try to wake up yoongi and trust me its hard, he's a hard sleeper

once I get him up he was being grumpy

"its almost time to go, we need a plan" namjoon says and crosses his arms over his chest

"I got one" taehyung announced "well more like a idea"

"well go on then tell us" jimin says as he wipes his mouth because he was just previously drinking a blood bag

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