Chapter 22

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today was the day that I go hang out with harin, I was nervous, I havent talked to her in a long time, I mean yeah we talked on the phone and texted but I havent hung out with her since I was turned

the guys were making me go over everything before I went, they told me they would follow us to make sure nothing bad happens which I appreciate

I sigh in nervousness, I dont know what I'd do to myself if I were to hurt her, the door bell ring and all of our attention went to the door

I forgot they told harin their address, I stand up and walk to the door, controlling my speed which was still a little difficult for me to do

I open the door and see harin with the biggest smile ever, I give her a grin and pull her into a hug which of course I do lightly knowing I might break her

"I'm so happy to see you, how was your camping trip with jungkook huhh?" she nudges me with a smirk

I just chuckle and hold her hands like we always would "bye guys see you later" I say and wave as harin and I exit the house and go to her car

"it was fun" I lied, it was awful, "what did you guys do, tell me in detail" she says and I get flash backs from when I was taken by hyungwon

so I had to make up a lie "we went up to the mountains and we brought a tent and camped out for a week which was really nice, we had tons of Smores and we even cuddled on cold nights but me being smart, I brought a heater, we even went hiking which was great" I smile at her and she sequels in happiness
she starts the car and we head to our favorite cafe in Seoul

once we got there we ordered our normal drink, I of course don't actually have to drink or eat anything but it would be suspicious if I didnt, we get our drinks and sit in our favorite spot by the window

I look out and drink my coffee, "ahhh this is amazing" I pretend, actully I can't really taste anything

"soojin can you hear me?" my ears purk up to the sound of hoseok voice "uh yeah but what is this?" I question in my mind

while harin takes big drinks from her bubble tea "since your a vampire now, we can communicate, except it will be harder to hear eachother a little bit" he says and I noticed that I could barely hear his voice

"why is that?" I question while talking to harin "have you found a man yet?" I ask her and he just laughs "no I wish but no" he says with a light smile

"is there anyone you like?" I ask in curiosity "honestly. . . I like jimin" she gives me a shy smile "aweee haaarriiin thats so cute" I say and she lightly slaps my arm

then hoseok replies back telepathically "once you mate with JK then you will gain your powers and have better telepathic connection" he says and I start to choke, not physically, I just started to cough a lot

soojin stands up in worry and past my back, even though I couldn't die well at that moment I did

"im fine harin" I chuckle as she sits back down, and drinks happily. I'm going to miss this

we finish our drinks and we exit the shop and leave, we link our arms and happily go to the car, I hold her hand while she drove, we decided to go to the beach

we pull in and park, I wore the prefect outfit for the beach, I had a black tank top with short shorts on and a light pullover

I also had flips flops, but so did harin so it was nice to walk into the sand together

"hey don't those guys look familiar?" I hear harin say as we walk along side the beach and our feel in the water, I look up to see where she was pointing and indeed we did know those boys

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