Chapter 14

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its been a few weeks since we've gone to the amusement park, nothing really interesting happened since then, we havn't gotten any leads on the hyungwon, but the boys have been working hard

harin and her parents have been recovering nicely and we even did what harin wanted the day she got discharged

she came back to school 3 days after the guys and I and went to the amusement park, she started getting closer to the boys especially jimin

ive honestly gotten closer to jungkook, today was Wednesday and I was in korean history with harin, jin, and jungkook

"okay class today we will be working on a group project, I will let you pick your own groups but it cant be more than 6 people but more than one" the professor says

this might get interesting, I got my notebook ready for notes about the project

"because for the past few weeks we've been studing the Joseon Dynasty so I want you guys to do a small skit in front of the class tomorrow" she writes down the expectations she wants of the skit on the board and I write them out on my notebook

"okay you may split up into your groups" the teacher says and sets down the chalk "but keep your voices to a minimum" she yells out to the class, well that's ironic

many people are moving and shifting around the room "who else do you want in our group?" I ask harin "can we join your group?" jin asks and jungkook trails behind him

"yeah sure" harin smiles as they bring some desk closer to ours

this is going to be a pieces of cake since we actually have the ruler of the joseon dynasty and the youngest prince in our group

"ill be back I have to use the restroom" harin smiles and goes to ask the teacher to be exused

"of course jin and I will play the princes" jungkook says in an obvious voice

"okay who do you think we can play?" i ask while tapping my pencil on my notebook

it's a habit i do when im thinking "who else were important in that time period when you guys were princes, well you king" I think out loud but point to jin when i said 'king'

"maybe we can play se hwa and hyung won" I blurt out and they look at me with confusion, I thought of it since they said its when they were turned to vampires

"just think about it, hyung won is your so called 'assassin' and se hwa was the princes secret lover" I shrug and they think it through

I could tell by their facial expressions, harin soon came back from the bathroom and we told her what our parts were

harin and I played rock papers scissors, she got hyung won which in my opinion I think she will do a great job

I got se hwa of course, I had to ask jungkook how she acted and how the people thought the assissination happend

"okay so jin was sitting on the throne, so jin go sit in that chair" we are practicing our small skit, all of us go into our spots

jin is sitting on his 'throne' and jungkook is sitting next to him on the floor I was 'outside' aka on the other side of the classroom

"ready and action!" I clap my hands and they get into character

harin was just waiting for her entrance "brother there is something that I must tell you" jungkook starts "what is it?" jin asks and honestly he was great, considering he is a drama student "there is someone I am seeing...." he says "who?" jin asks with a stern but curious voice "she's a servant girl" he says and jin gave him a shocked look "you know you are marrying princess minjae yet you are seeing another woman" jin slightly raises his voice at jungkook, jungkook stands up and gives jin a bow "I'm sorry brother but I do not love her" he then jogs across the classroom in my direction while jin yells "yah you brat where are you going, we need to talk" he used a inside voice of course

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