Chapter 16

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I went the whole day avoiding the boys, I was able to somehow convince harin to stay with me and not talk to the boys all day, but the thing that sucks is that I have to stay after for that stupid play

oh and guess what, I got the role of se hwa because of how good I did during the class skit and jungkook got himself, shocker huh

I sigh as I head to the auditorium, I walk into the the big wooden doors to see a cast of about 25 people

I put my stuff in one of the seats and walk up to the stage, everyone is sitting on the stage talking or waiting for the drama teacher to come in

I notice the boys walk into the auditorium and I immediately look down and try to distract myself from them, hoping they wouldn't see me

but much to my luck someone calls my name, "soojin can we talk" I sigh in frustration and look up to see jungkook looking away from me

"I thought you said if I talked to you you'd ki-" I start but was interrupted "I know I said that, I was just frustrated, I havnt been by people in a few centuries and I get mad easily I'm sorry" he apologizes

I look at him and I see guilt in his eyes, "well I guess it was my fault" I sigh and jump down from the stage "I was the one who stole something from you" I shrug and walk towards some empty seats away from everyone so we could talk

jungkook follows me and we sit down, "I didn't know it belonged to anyone since if it did wouldnt they have grabbed it already" I tell him and I hold the necklace

"its not your fault I should have hid it more than just simply on a desk" he puts his hands behind his head

"I'm sorry about yesterday" he blurts out loud and look into a different direction, I start to feel awkward cause I dont know what to say

"I would say its okay but honestly its not" I tell him "I started to get to know you then you go to me and threaten to kill me so of course it wasnt okay" I say again but keeping my voice down so no one could hear our conversation

"I know" he looks down and holds his head in frustration "ill make it up to you" he says and stands up "how?" I say in confusion and stand up after him

"is there anything you want to do?" I could tell he was shy and awkward "maybe we can just go get something to eat after this, and we can get to know more about eachother?" I ask him, he nods then walks away to the other boys on stage

the teacher comes in making everyone quiet down "good evening everyone" Mr. yoon says with a wide smile

"as you all know we are doing 'betrayal' for this years play" he starts off "we got new cast memebers to finish off the auditions, we have Kim Harin as jimins wife, Kim soojin as se hwa the youngest princes lover, jungkook as the youngest prince jeongguk, please give them a lot of care" he finishes off with a smile

"okay lets start" he claps his hands, he get out 3 scripts and hands it to harin, jungkook, and I

and honestly I didnt know all of the boys were in drama, I skim through the script and read some of my lines

I dont have much lines in the beginning but the more I read I realize I have all my parts with jungkook, well most of them

like for example, in the beggining I appear in scene 3 when they show jungkook sneaking of to come see me or when he finds out hes getting married and I find out

my only most solo shots is when I kill jungkook and I go out to the village and I get caught and I get 'killed' but of course I didnt, well she didn't

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