Chapter 15

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today was now friday, the boys, harin and I are ready for our skit today

after school yesterday we all went to my house since my mom wasnt home and we practiced the skit for maybe a half and hour to an hour

I decided to just ask all the guys to come over so we could practice and hang out

when we finished practicing jin kept begging us to just join the drama club because of how good of acting we did but honestly I'm not that great but whatever

im right now in my first hour class before korean history class, it was about to end so I was packing up my stuff while talking to harin about next hour

the professor said it needed to be around 3 minutes long which is not that bad

the bell finally rings and harin and I stand up and exit the room, while going to our locker we see jimin walking with jin

"hey jimin, jin" harin yells getting their attention and even some students were staring at us now

harin happily walks over to them and I follow after her, we were actully next to my locker so I could just get my stuff for korean history

"so what are you guys up to?" jimin asks with a smile on his face "nothing just getting ready for our skit next hour" I say as I playfully elbow jin gently

"what class do you have now jimin?" I ask him as we start to walk towards our class "I have science" he shrugs

"this is where we split ways, ill see you at study hall" he smiles and turns left into the science class while we still go forward

"I'm kind of nervous for this skit but I'm also exited" harin says and jin and I look at her "why are you nervous?" he asks her "because I dont want to mess it up" she says and jin gives her this look "what?" she asks him and he shakes his head with a smile plastered on his face "you should just join the drama club" he shrugs with a smile

"I am a bad actor so I can't join" she tries to defend herself but we all know she does pretty good "bro we all know your lying" I chuckle at her

"whatever lets just get to class the bells about to ring" she laughs and we all enter class

as soon as we entered the bell rang "I told you" I laugh at harin as we sit down in our spots

I look behind me to see jungkook smiling at me which I smile back with a thumbs up

"hello everyone" the professor walks in and everyone stands up and says hello then bows and sits back down

"are you ready to show your acting skills?" the teacher smiles as she grabs a clipboard to write our scores out

"first group will be...lets see.... yoo-mins group up first, also feel free to use the whole classroom" she announced, I sigh in relief that we didnt go first

we all just sat there and watch the 5 people preform their skit for 2 minutes

it was pretty good but they kind of slacked off I could tell because when they acted it sounded like they didn't care

the teacher was scoring through out their skit and from what I could see they got a low ass score

they soon finished and they got like four people to clap which I think was their friends most likely

"good job you five" the teacher says with a sigh as she writes the final score

"next up...... harin's group" she announces and we stand up and go to the front of the classroom, well the boys and harin does I go to the back of the classroom

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