Chapter 24

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it was holloween today, because I told harin we were vampires I was able to transform myself into my vampire state, I was able to keep my fangs out and I changed my eye colors, my blue one turned gold and my brown one turned red

I wasn't hungry or angry but jungkook taught me how to control my eye colors, after jungkook and I did that thing. . ., I still havnt found out my power yet but my telepathy has gotten stronger

the boys had some clothing from a loooong time ago, they dressed in there old joseon clothing, I went to a old vintage store on the ouskirts on Seoul and found a old female joseon dress

harin came over and told us about a haunted house tour that she wanted to go to so we all agreed to go with her

it was 30 minutes away but we didnt mind, we heard it was one of the biggest haunted attractions, ever since ive been turned I havnt been scared of anything really, well except my mom and harin dying but yeah

it took us almost 10 minutes to find a parking stop because of how much people there was but we eventually found one

we all got out and headed to the entrance, many people were dressed up, not many people in Korea celebrate Halloween but they find an interest in it, Seoul often on Halloween celebrates sometimes

I link my arms with jungkook as we enter the big haunted house "hello welcome to this years haunted house tour, everyone has such amazing costumes, lets see what are you ma'am" the tour guide asks a young lady "im a marionette" she says happliy "how about you guys" he points at us

"vampires" namjoon says with a smile "wow great costume, okay lets get this show on the road" he says, he looks overly exited

we walk in to see many creepy things even some jump scares that scare people even harin screams and clings onto jimin, which he didnt mind

the tour was around 30 minutes long but they had a after the tour thing going on were you go on a scary boat ride which we did

I went with harin, jungkook went with tae, namjoon went with jimin, jin went with hoseok and poor yoongi went alone, we were having a blast till the ride stopped moving while we were in the middle of it

"yah jimin-ah, taehyung-ssi is everyone okay?" namjoon yells "yeah we are good up here" I say "what the heck is going on with the ride?" yoongi questions

harin had our arms linked cause she was scared "no need to be scared harin" I assure her "I know but I just don't really like being in the dark on a boat" she nervously chuckles

"also where did you find your vampire fangs?" she suddenly asks me "why do you ask?" I question "because I couldnt find any for my costume and yours looks so real and cool, I was going to ask earlier where you bought them but I forgot" she says

"I got them online" I tell her, the ride has been shut off for almost 10 minutes "I'm about to get off and walk out of here" I say cause I was a little annoyed

"did you guys realize how quiet it got outside" jimin says and I just noticed it, before the ride stopped you could hear people talking but now it was complete silence it was so weird

"yeah. . . it doesn't feel right" jungkook exlames we all agreed, this boat isn't stable but I need to get harin out cause shes starting to panic "guys harin is starting to panic so we need to get out of here" I say and try to lean over and feel the ledge which I felt

"harin I'm going to get off the boat so I want you to scooch in the middle while I'm going so it doesn't tip okay" I tell her and she nods

I swiftly but slowly hop over the boat and onto the ledge part, I help harin out of the boat and the boys follow after as we make our way back to the entrance

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