Chapter 13

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my mom ended up having to leave which kind of made me sad, she can never stay home because of work, I always ask her to take some time off because I dont want her to overwork herself

I was cleaning up the plates and the boys were helping me, "thanks guys for helping" I tell them and take the dishes to the sink

"its no problem I do this all the time" jin says with a light smile, sometimes I forget they are vampires because of how natural and human they seem to be

I started to wash the dishes and jimin helps me dry them and put them away, "you know you guys dont have to help me, I do this all the time alone" I tell them, I'm actually happy they are helping because I made so much food and stuff I honestly didnt want to clean afterwards

"we want to help" taehgung says while he wipes down the table, and id have to say that table has never looked cleaner

namjoon was sweeping the floor, jungkook was putting the ingredients in the fridge, jin would mop after namjoon swept, hoseok was picking up the trash and yoongi knowing him he fell asleep on the couch after eating

i finish washing the dishes and jimin finished putting them away so I go to the living room "you guys can stop now, you've been a great help but I can finish it later" I tell them and sit down on the love seat

"fine, my back is starting to hurt" taehyung says as he puts his hand on his back and tries to stretch it out

everyone comes and sits in the living wether on the floor or on the furniture "so what do you guys want to do now?" jungkook asks "I'm not sure" I shrug

"oh hey I have an idea" jimin beams with happiness "ive heard about this place but we've never been, how about the amusement park?" he smiles "thats not a bad idea but I dont have the money to go and I'm not much of an amusement park girl" I tell them and reach for the remote and turn on the tv

I dont mind amusement parks but they arnt really my joy, loud people just isnt my thing 

"come on please it will be so much fun, we haven't gone to one since, well ever" taehyung says also be very exited about it

"are you going to bug me till I say yes?" I sigh in annoyance "yeah" jungkook smiles "why dont you guys just go, why do you want me to go with you?" I say in more annoyance as I try to watch tv

"because we get bored when its just us, we want you to go, plus your the only friend we kind of have" jin shrugs with a grim look on his face

"ugh fine but if one of you argues with me I'm out" I say and turn up the tv as they hoot and holer

maybe this wont be so bad, the guys arnt as bad as I thought and maybe it will be fun, its been a while since ive went to an amusement park with friends...

but are they my friends?

"hey guys I have a question to ask, and take me serious okay?" I lean up and put my elbows on my knees and sigh

"yeah what's up" taehyung says with a smile still plastered of his face

"do you guys really think of me as a friend?" I look up as each boy individually "of course we do, we even told you we were vampires so of course we are friends" jimin says next to me

"yeah but arnt you guys just using me to break jungkooks curse?" I want to know

"we were in all honesty but you are pretty cool to hang out with" yoongi says which surprises me because he was literally sleeping a few seconds ago

"well I'm glad you think I'm cool but I'm honestly not" I chuckle and shake my head "I'm just a normal high school girl who doesnt like people, likes to cook, and has a hobbie of drawing, there is nothing cool about me" I finish

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