Chapter 11

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I woke up to my alarm going off on my phone, it was 6 so I dismissed my alarm and stretched my arms out, I look down at harin and sigh

the doctor said she would be okay but why hasn't she woken up yet, I stand up and grab my bag of clothes and I go into the bathroom, of course I knock first

I go in and I change into my school uniform, I still need to wash my other one

I brush my long hair and brush my teeth, my wounds from seowon have healed mostly my stomach still had a bruise but it didnt hurt that bad any more

I put my clothes back into my bag and I walk out "soojin" my head snaps up to look at the voice who said it, my eyes go wide and start to water

harin had woken up

"harin" I cry out and I rush to her and grab her hand "are you okay?" I tell her "I need to let the doctor know" I realize and I let her go and run into the hall way

"doctor harin woke up" I rush to the doctor responsible for the patents in this room "okay" he says as he grabs his clip board and follows after me

I rush back intot the room and sit next to harin again
"hello there miss park how do you feel?" he ask her I check the time on my phone it was already 6:30 so I need to leave now if I want to make it to school on time

"harin I'm so sorry but I have to leave for school, ill come right back after okay" I tell her as I grab my backpack and I stand up "its okay, ill see you later" she says to me and continues to tell the doctor how she is

I exit the hospital and stop a cab and head to school

when we get there I pay the driver and walk into the gates of my high school

I walk into the building and head to my locker, I open it and grab my necessary books for today and I close my locker, I walk to my first class

I still have a lot of time before the bell rings so I set down my bag and go into the hallway

its been a while since ive been to the library

I walk in and see a few students here or there, the school library is huge that's why I like it

I go over to the first shelf and skim through the books, my finger brushing over the cover of each book

none of the books on this shelf sparks my interest

"hey soojin how's it going" I jump and turn around to see taehyung "you startled me" I tell him

"haha sorry" he apologizes "I came in here to return a book and I saw you so id thought I say hello" he gives me a box smile

"well hello" I tell him "so how's harin by the way" he asks me

I became so much happier now that he asked, I give him a big smile "she woke up" I say to him

"thats fantastic" he tells me "im going back to the hospital after school" I give him a soft smile

"you know, you look prettier when you smile" he says which makes me feel awkward

"I-I uh thanks I guess" I try to avoid eye contact "so um where are your brothers?" I try to change the subject

"oh they're all in their classes" he says as he leans onto the opposite shelf

I check my phone for the time, it was 7:15 school starts at 8

I sigh we have so much time left

"what class are you in right now?" I ask him "oh I'm in-" he was about to tell me but he was interrupted

"what are you guys doing?" we look over to the person "oh jungkookie-ah" taehyung beams with happiness "I thought you were in class" taehyung says "I was but I thought id wonder around, so what are you doing?" he asks and if I didnt know any better id say he's jealous

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