Chapter 25 (last)

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it's been already a whole year since I was turned, and lets just say I'm living my life to the fullest, mom ended up quitting her job because they lowered her pay and she didnt want to stay at work 24/7 and not get paid the amount she was told plus she hated not coming home to see me

she is now a stay at home mom, she saved us enough money to last us a while so she wanted to rest from working for a bit, we've gotten more closer with her since she quit

plus mom loves jungkook, she loves having the boys around, she loves them like her own sons which they appreciate since they havent had a mom figure in their life for centuries

I'm now a senior and ill be graduating in a few months, jin, namjoon, yoongi and hoseok graduated last year

and also jimin and harin started dating, they've been dating for 3 months now, jimin was nervous about asking her out cause he thought she wouldnt want to date a vampire but she was so happy about him asking her

actually I started living with jungkook now but I often go back to moms almost 3 times a week to check on her and to spend time with her, mom let me live with him because she knows how much I love him, we also had to change all the food in our house, we have food everywhere now

we had to hide our blood bags in the basement but we have it locked, the reason we did this is because my mom comes over and checks on us all the time and she likes to make dinner, plus harin is of course a human so we needed food for her when she comes over

I am able to do many amazing things with my powers now, sometimes if jungkook is annoying me ill throw small rocks at him but with his powers they just go through him

right now we are all having a big dinner, harin and my mom came, my mom brought her famous kimchi fried rice with her own ingredients

we all ate happily, I pretended we were drinking red juice but it was actually blood, I gave harin actual juice that kind of was the same colour, they didnt seem to notice

we ate at the boys house, when we were done we clean up the dishes and took care of the left over food on the table, "thank you mom" jungkook boys to my mom

my mom insists that jungkook calls her mom, heck she insisted that all of the boys call her mom cause it made her feel more loved

we all thought it was cute, the boys finally after a long time get to have someone to call mom and they loved it

it was 6 o'clock and we finally got done picking up everything, "do you guys want to go watch a movie or something?" harin asks while she hugs jimin from behind

"I mean it doesnt matter to me" namjoon says "whats playing in the theatre?" mom asks with a smile

"I'm not to sure I think its the new live action lion king, it came out in America and it was just released in theatres in Korea" harin says again (I know its not out yet but whatever lol)

"yeah I'm up for it" jungkook says "me to" we all agreed to go to the movie and of course mom came, she loves Disney movies

we checked and the movie started at 7:30 so we had to hurry and get ready and leave, we split into two cars

jin, namjoon, jimin, taehyung and harin went into jins car and jungkook, mom, yoongi, hoseok and I used harins car, we got there at 7:45 so we bought the tickets and went into the theatre

we sat in the middle section and we were just right, we aren't either too close or too far away but just right

we all got popcorn to share with eachother like for example jungkook and I are sharing a bag, jimin and harin are sharing a bag, then it goes to jin and yoongi, taehyung and namjoon and last my mom and hoseok

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