Chaper 17

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I was walking in a forest, it was so dark and I couldnt really see anything

"hello" I call out but no responce, I hear a sudden crack echo in the woods, I look around but I dont see anyone, I'm so scared

I walk for what seemed endlessly, I start to see a light that flickers so I'm assuming its maybe a campire

I slowly walk closer to the burning flame, once I reach it I look at it in horror

I cover my mouth in horror and tears stream down my face, I collapse on my knees

the scene in front of me was horrific, it was my mom, harin and the boys bloody and disimbodied, I crawl over to my mom and uncontrollably sob as I hug my mothers lifeless corpse

the only people who wasnt here was jungkook and suga, "soojin" I sob and turn to see jungkook, his mouth was covered in blood and his eyes are red

"j-jungkook what did you do?, how could you" I cry out as I hold my mom closer "I was just so hungry and everyone just looked so delicious" he smirks

"dont you see soojin" I look behind jungkook to see se hwa walk up behind him and smirk "your next" jungkook is it front of me in a blink of an eye

"jungkook please" I try to say but he grabs me by my throat and slams me up against a tree, I grunt in unbearable pain as tears fall out of my eyes like waterfalls

"soojin" I look over to see suga with wide eyes, I start to loose my breath as jungkook squeezes onto my throat more

"Y-yoongi h-help me" I gasp and try to reach a hand out to him, he just looks at me in horror

then and there jungkook ends my life, he squeezed hard enough to snap my next, my lifeless body hits the floor

"AHHHHHHHHH" I scream and fall out of my bed with a big thud, I crawl back furiously till I reach the wall, suddenly my door burst open and yoongi is there with the rest of the boys

he looks at me with pity and slowly comes over to me, he crouches to my level and I immediately pull him into a hug and cry onto his shoulder

"y-you were there, I-I saw you" I cry out and he hugs me back "yeah.....I was" he replies and legs go of my hug and helps me up

"suga whats going on" jungkook squeezes in front of the boys with worry "ill tell you downstairs" he says and helps me back into bed "can you please give us a few moments guys, ill be down in a minute" he says and looks at the boys and they obey

"why-why didnt you help me?" I cry again, that scene was harrifing, suga sighs and wipes my tears with his thumb "I couldn't, somehow my powers wont work in your dreams" he says with another sigh

"what you and I saw was terrible but you must believe that jungkook would never do that to anyone, and he would never team with se hwa" he reassures me "promise" I say seriously "what?" he looks taken back

"promise me he wont do that, please" I say again and he smiles and promises me

he stands up and heads to the door "suga" I call out and he turns around "thank you, really, thank for helping me after I woke up" I smile at him and he gives me a small one back and turns my light off and leaves, who knew yoongi had a soft side

I lay down and check my phone for the time, it was 5am, I only had one more hour till I had to get up and get ready

and that dream did help me, I was tired but I was scared to go back to sleep, why did I dream of that

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